Craaaaaap XD

Nov 13, 2007 15:48

I really, really, REALLY should be sleeping  studying, but I have something VERY important to tell myself? you guys who actually take the time to find out more about me!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I'm not able to write anymore. In fact, I'm not supposed to be on this with my class homework sitting beside me, but who cares, right? I think that nobody would care, which is why I'm posting the first part of a KakaNaru multi-chapter and a KakaIru i feel bad for not writing anything for that community oneshot WITH the design for a second part tomorrow. damn, I'm a bitch XD ^^ Ok, I may have the urge to finish it... in fact, more than likely XD

Does anyone like OroNaru? Following the time I hit post, I will copy and paste my  new OroNaru story onto here to make you all suffer!! >:D why yes, I am a sadist. Ha ha, yeah. ^^ Ok, I have loads more to tell you so I'll have to type faster, faster, FASTER!!

I'm going to the Trail Blazer's game tonight!!! WHOOT!! ^^ I lurve them, even though I have no idea who they're playing against. XD  I know, lame, huh? Ha ha... But still, I get to get out of the house first time in years XD and go watch sexy men play basketball!! (I'm bringing a notebook or something since my muse will have a field day trip? 8D) Oh, yeah. Go ahead, be jealous XD

I haven't seen the manga in... weeks? Months? Years? Centurys? seems like it XD So I am so out of the loop XD But if Jiraiya dies, I'm not watching the manga/anime FOREVER! D: Seriously, Kishi-sama san already killed Deidara, Haku, Sasori, AND Gaara in a way XD Orochimaru!! D: Not cool, man! Orochimaru is cool!! In his own creepily awesome way 8D

NO MORE KILLING, KISHIMOTO!! NO MORE!! D: It makes me very sad.

I have a test the 15th, 16th, 14th, and on the 19th our big huge project #2 is due.... and the BRG #2 since I didn't do it at all XD is due before November 28th.... D: Where has all my time gone?! I swear, I will kill Kishi if he adds even more stress to my days D:

Craaaaap.... I need to rewrite my homework XD It looks like chickenscratch.... or like I had a seizure while doing it. which I basically did XD It's hella-gay, yo. D: At least I was able to actually do the circut training in PE today XD I usually can never do it, but my fasting strange, huh? helped me!! :D It's weird, though. I haven't eaten since... well, I  just ate a South Beach Diet Cinammon Raison Cereal bar. But before then I hadn't eaten since 8pm yesterday night XD Darn it! I thought I could go all night lol

It was good, too. :D

Well, I have shit to do lol so I'll leave you to your own lives. :D


EDIT: ^^ The game is at 7:00 pm vs Pistons :D They better win! Oh, they're going to Detroit for a game tomorrow night with four games. D: They're busy beavers XD
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