Nov 11, 2007 18:29
I'm proud to have a father and grandfather who are a veteran to this country.
Ok, now onto my -boring- life.
The funeral is in a few days, and I will be missing school, as will some of my friends who were also close to Katie. We met with the principal earlier today (she's cool) and got it all arranged.
I've written some one-shots about death that surprisingly aren't fanfiction, more like exporting my emotions into a fictional character that I've created. It's relaxing and keeps my mind occupied late at night when I'm not interested in doing homework. I'll post them later once I've gotten everything back in place.
I swear my family doesn't give a shit about Katie. They tell me to stop over-reacting, but my cousin, Kelly, is seriously the only one *my mom is on her way home right now, haven't told her yet* who knows how I feel. I think her friend died when she was twelve or something, I don't know.
I got Britney's new CD, Blackout. Go ahead, laugh it up. I happen to be a devoted fan who thinks all Brit needs is a large hug and some parenting advice from her mother, who I haven't seen near Brit lately. I feel so bad for Britney. =[
I think this is all, besides the fact that I have a ton of homework I found that I need to do. >.> Don't ask how I just 'find' it, I tend to throw things in my binder and backpack alot.
~Nikki damn, I'm uninteresting