Into the fire...

Oct 05, 2004 21:56

Fiona: Arrives at the hotel, walks through the lobby nervously, knowing her firend had been here waiting. Standing in front of her door knocks while biting her lip hoping it will be a warm welcome.

Sahara: Looks up at the sound of a knock on the door, and slides off the side of the bed. Taking a quick look in the mirror to gauge the visible signs of despair, quickly wipes some mascara smudges before quickly turning to the door. Eyes light up for the first time since who knows when, practically flinging herself into her friend's arms. "Fiona!!!"

Fiona: Nearly tumbles back and hugs her back, "sorry I am late?"

Sahara: "No, no. You're just on time." Smiles happily, and moves to the side enough to let the other girl in.

Fiona: Steps in and looks around the room, sensing things aren't all smiles and turns to her firend, "I am sorry...I... well.... I didn't get to your email til late, and i am sorry, but I am glad you are here."

Sahara: Nods. "Really, it's okay. I know it was massively unexpected for me to just show up here and all, and I'm really sorry for that. I should have called. But I... um, I kind of really had to." Smiles apologetically.

Fiona: Places a had on her shoulder smiling softly, "Hey.. it is ok, I don't think I would have gotten the call either. so tell me what brings you here?"

Sahara: Bites her lower lip, trying to determine how much to say. How much she really could say, slightly afraid people won't want her around if they knew she was as far gone as she knew herself to be. "Honestly? I'm in a really bad place right now, Fiona. And I... I had to get out of Las Vegas. I've kinda been on the edge for a really long time now." Looks down, feeling the full weight of her next statement, even before she says it. "You and Willow are pretty much all I have left. The only ones I think can help me now." Feeling her face grow warm as new tears threaten.

Fiona: Sits on the edge of the bed in the room and takes her hand, "Oh.. please don't cry. I think we all could use each other right now."

Sahara: Nods, sitting next to her. "Really? I mean, is everything okay? Things seem kinda... off. But I didn't know if that was just me."

Fiona: Throwing her arms out in a dramatic fashion, "This whole messed up world is off and we are all sinking in the middle trying to pull ourselves back up." looks away sad, "I should not be so doom and gloom but my world is spiraling down wards and those aroudn me I see hurting, makes it worse."

Sahara: Hugs her friend tightly for a few moments, not really even sure of who needs it more, but figuring they both need it just as well. "I'm sorry, Fiona. I really am. What's happening? I mean, what's causing the downward spiral? I don't mean to pry or anything."

Fiona: Rests her head against her friend, "Well, willow is falling down into a dark dark maddenign depression since Buffy was killed and such, and that is a whole long messe dup sotry and then one of my only true friends here in London passed away and it is so complicated." tries not to cry and all of this just happen right when you arrived.

Sahara: "Aww, sweetie." Wraps an arm around her old friend comfortingly. "That's all so... awful." Tries to process, tries to find the right words. "I'm sorry about your friend, and Willow's friend, and... just about it all, really. I guess I've been a little too wrapped up in playing with handguns in the desert to be there for my friends." Says sadly, mentally kicking herself.

Fiona: Taking her firends hands in her own, "Would you please do me a favor? Just one favor?" looks into her peladingly.

Sahara: Looks at her and nods, squeezing her hands. "Absolutely, Fiona. You know I'd do anything for you, or for Willow."

Fiona: "Well.... I was wondering if you could come back with me to Nigel's place, umm... Willow is staying there with me and Nigel and, I think... yeah... I think it would be good for her to see you." smiles up at her.

Sahara: Smiles back. "Of course! I would love to see Willow, and I've been dying to get out of here all week. I was kinda afraid to leave though, in case one of you called or came by." Looks down momentarily, but then back up, already in seemingly better spirits. "But yeah, totally."

Fiona: Faces beams up, "Great!" hugs her tightly,"and you will finally get to meet Nigel and all his friends." stops in thoguht a moment, "perhaps YOu know of one, giles? Rupert Giles?"

Sahara: Thinks for a moment and smiles with a slight shrug. "He sounds familiar, but most of my time here was such a blur. I really don't remember anyone other than you and Willow. But Willow has mentioned him in her e-mails, so I'm not sure if I met him or am just familiar because of that."

Fiona: Stands up and bends down and ksises Sahara on the cheek. "Well my friend let's get your belongings together and get you .... out of this place."

Sahara: "Yes, please, let's. It's not so bad, but living in a hotel room is as depressing as... living in a hotel room." Smiles and shakes her head, standing up. Pulls her suticases out, gathering the few things she had taken out and repacking them. "Just two suitcases, and my carry-on bag." Slips her purse over her shoulder, and grabs the handles of both suitcases. "Can you get the carry-on, please?"

Fiona: Stands there with her hands on her hips playfully smirking, "You expect me to help you? With your bags?"

Sahara: Slips into her most perfected pout. "How else am I going to get it out of here? Magic?" Teases her friend. "It's not like I'm a witch or anything." Says, as she levitates the bag until it floats in front of Fiona. "I'm a little out of practice, so you might want to catch that before it's on your toes." Smiles innocently.

Fiona: Reaches out and hurriedly grabs it, "Bitch..." then laughs, "Yeah I am glad you are back."

Sahara: Giggles and proceeds to smirk triumphantly, but allowing the expression to relax into a genuine smile. "Thanks, Fiona. It's good to be back. And this time? I don't want to leave again."

Fiona: "I don't want you leaving either, we got lots of catching up to do and there is much mayhem to.. well I would say be had, but some needs to be stopped." shrugs to herself "Welll I am sure Willow will be all over the details with you, if we can get her to stick around."

Sahara: Nods. "Mayhem to be stopped. I'm all for that. And then some. Of course, those will probably be my famous last words, but, hey, mayhem's pretty cool for a last word, right?" Sets her suitcases back down, reaching out to place a hand reassuringly on her friend's arm. "We'll get her to stay, Fiona. I promise. There has to be something we can do, and whatever that something is, we'll find it, and we'll do it. I didn't just come here to escape my life, I came here to do something with it. I want to help."

Fiona: Reaches up squeezing her hand, "My friend, you have no idea what you have just got yourself into, but.... I am glad to have you by my side."

Sahara: "Well, I am pretty much known for not looking before I leap, but you know, hey, anything that you and Willow are in, I'm in by default. That's just the way it is. Whatever's running amok here, we'll find a way to lay the proverbial smack down on, and do what we can to make the world a better place for each other, if not ourselves." Laughs slightly. "Oh, God. I sound like a Miss America contestant. But seriously, Fiona, I'm here for the thick of it. Whatever is happening, whatever needs to happen, whatever we have no idea is about to happen, you can always count me in, and count on me to be be your side."

Fiona: Smiles reasurringly, and places a hand on her back and leads her firend to the door, "Well then, dear, You are in for one hell of a ride. And don't make me say I told you so, "Winks at her and laughs a bit, but there is pain still in her eyes.

Sahara: Steps outside the door, glancing briefly at the sky before looking back at her friend. Takes a deep breath, and exhales it, her mind capturing the image of the sparse sunrays that managed to penetrate the grey clouds in the sky. She figured she might need that image later, somehow. "You know, Fiona, I forgot to thank you..." Looks back at the grey sky.

Fiona: Turns and looks at Sahara, "Thank me? It is I who needs to thank you."

Sahara: Shakes her head slightly, biting her lip as she meets her friend's gaze. "Earlier this week... you saved my life." Smiles sadly.

Fiona: Loads the case into the trunk of the car. "But.. but.. I wasn't around?"

Sahara: Wraps her arms around herself. "You're always with me. I, um, I don't mean to get all sappy and poetic about it. I mean, I guess I've just been super emotional lately. But, you did. I, um, well, I drove out the the desert to kill myself." Takes another deep breath, having admitted that, and holds it. "And just before I pulled the trigger, I heard your words, you know, about the world being dark, but needing me here. Somehow, it kept me here. And I can't help but be grateful for that. And I also can't help but be eternally grateful for you, and for our friendship which was stronger than my own darkness." Smiles as tears well up, biting her trembling lower lip. "Me and the waxing poetic thing again, sorry." Shakes her head, meeting her friend's eyes again. "Thank you."

Fiona: Pulls Sahara close to her and holds her crying a moment and then holds back, "I.... have missed you....It is a true blessing that you are here. As I said, I think we all need each other right now. I know I need you. And I am overwhelmed a bit.. I mean.. my words... helped... and I think... what would I have done if I lost you. " Pulls away Fiona putting her hands on both of Sahara's shoulders, "Promise me we will make it through all of this. And you best know I will always be here for you."

Sahara: Nods tearfully, trying to keep from completely breaking down after being held since... probably the last time she was here. "I've missed you too. So much. It's been hard being young, and not being able to make the choice to come here until now. But, you know, better now than never." Puts her hand over one of Fiona's. "We will make it through all of this. I wasn't too sure at first, but something about being back here, and being around you again makes me totally sure that by some grace of an unknown entity, we will make it through all of this." Forces a brave smile. "And of course I know you'll always be here. Kinda why I'm here now. And the same goes for you. Always seems kinda an understatement for a friendship like ours."

Fiona: Opens the door for Sahra, "Then get your ass in here and let's go home and have some dinner and see how Willow is doing and you have to meet my scottish hottie. "Smiles trying to think on happier times and things in life., "I have to warn you tlakign to Willow may break your heart, I know mine is, but I just have to tell myself. No matter what I am here for her, whether she likes it or not."

Sahara: Slides in, smiling. "Dinner, you, Willow, and a Scottish hottie? I really have moved up in the world!" Giggles slightly, before taking in what Fiona says about Willow, smile fading to a slight look of worry. "I don't care if it breaks my heart, I'm like you, no matter what, I'll be there for her. She can even try to put a barrier up, and I know us, we'll just walk through it. As broken as it seems we both kinda are right now, we're still strong enough, I know."

It was so amazing when Fiona showed up to get me. Like, everytime someone has used the phrase about "seeing the clouds roll back" or whatever. I never really got that. I just thought it was people being people and trying to sound all witty and poetic. But you know, today I actually saw a few clouds roll back. It was definitely a welcome change to watching them pour in from angle. It's been so hard to live under a sky that is always nothing short of threatening...

Of course, then Fiona informs me of all the darkness and chaos running around here. From the way she talks, and the look in her eyes, the lack of ease that's nearly palpable, you'd think she's seen all four horseman of the apocalypse ride into town already. Knowing my luck, that's exactly what happened. Mama always said I'm out of the frying pan and into the fire before I even know there's a real difference between the two. Such is the wisdom of a crackwhore Blackjack dealer who lives on the wrong side of the Strip.

But, you know, I'm here now. And if I came here just in time to get a front row seat to the opening of Hell itself, then, I guess that's the way my life was supposed to go. Whatever happens, it was not a mistake coming here. I can't keep letting myself fall into that trap. It's made of quicksand, and I'm already pretty weightless when it comes to being in this world anyways.

Anyways, being around Fiona again means the world to me. Getting out of that hotel room means the world to me. I felt like I was going crazy... er. Crazier. Nigel's place is lovely, and he is very kind. I can't imagine how he will feel about having his own little mini coven taking over the homestead, but he seems very apt to handle it. I haven't gotten to see Willow yet, but I'm about to. A little nervous about that, given the background Fiona gave me, but only nervous that I won't know what to say, or that I'll say the wrong thing. That would be just like me, take someone who's already damaged, say the wrong thing with the best of intentions, and just make it that much worse. Oh, well. Sometimes you have to ignore your own self doubt for the purposes of being what you need to be to others. So, that's what I'll do. I'll be here for Willow, and for Fiona, and whoever else comes along. And I'll hate myself in the downtime.
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