Mar 26, 2008 03:34
Okay so life has been okay. Me and David are okay I suppose still not together but I know that's not going to happen anytime soon. I'm just glad to have him there in whatever way that is. The fair is coming WOOO! Lol me and my family are going on Friday David is coming and so is Alexia and her peoples. Its going to be a huge gang super fucking fun. Hm been getting into argument with my mom and its starting to get at me. I'm thinking of just calling up my dad in west palm beach and having him find me a job and place to live just want to get away from everything, start over new everything heck having my dad around is new in itself. So that's about it. I'm still looking for a job can't seem to find one since the economy is down and what not. Blah I'm done here lol
Juju Star