ohaithurr guize!

Nov 08, 2009 17:08

Long time no post! Like, really long time. A month I think.
Where have I been you ask? No where really, I'm just too lazy to post LOL.
Really the only place I frequent a lot is on twitter. Follow me if youve got one ;D

Lately I've been 110% focused on acing History VCE class. This past few weeks it's been killing me.
Ive had to do reports on each of the wars in the 20th Century, do 5 essays on various crap lol and next Wednesday I have an exam. Failwhale D:
All that aside, how was everyones Halloween?! Mine was fair epic, my school had a dress-up day and I went as....

er, if you didnt already know, the other chick, Nikki Sixx, is Noreen [a7xschoolie ]
I think we look pretty awesome ;D

Anywho. Seeing as though its 20billion degrees here, I'm going to go attempt to not melt away :)
OH but I made TED DIBIASE JR ICONS and posted them @
Check them out ;D

halloween, tommy lee, motley crue, nikki sixx, crimsonxicons, twitter, ted dibiase jr.

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