im a teen distortion, survived abortion.

Oct 03, 2009 11:47

Holy shit. It's been ages since I last updated!
Whats happened? I aced my work experience. Actually, I'm pretty proud of it. My principal went back and told all my teachers i did a great job and the lady at the kinder said I should seriously consider a career in childcare :D

I've been pretty caught up in footy fever [lame sounding, no?] cause my team♥ WON the grand final. I've supported these boys since I was six!
I actually made my favourite player blush on Tuesday. they had a victory parade in town and they were making speeches.
It went really quiet so I screamed out 'I LOVE YOU JIMMY!!'. Poor guy nearly died of embarrassment lol. I was pretty pumped XD

The one on the right is the hot one ;)

Anywho. Its the one on the lefts wifes birthday today.


work experience, australian rules football, jimmy bartel, birthday

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