Feb 10, 2007 13:44
People change. Don't worry about it.
Though, if they attempt to run you into the ground, don't hesitate to tell them how you feel about it. Why hold back?
They aren't even the same person you knew anyway.
I guess I'm what you would call a "passionate" person. I'll be an entirely loyal friend. I don't judge my friends I defend them as I would myself. Though, this doesn't leave me open to being a doormat. If one begins to judge me and talk down to me as though I'm not their equal after awhile I'm not going to be so friendly anymore. I'll judge them in return. They probably won't like what I have to say because everyone has things about themselves that are wrong/stupid/weird/creepy to others. That's what makes being human interesting and that's why I love my friends with all their flaws included.
That is, until they begin to single me out and act as though they have no flaws in comparison to me.
I don't owe anyone a thing. I'm here just the same as everybody else. If one is going to go out of their way to be a cunt to me what makes them think that I'll put up with it and not react to them as a cunt would?