I work at the movies.
I'm pale and skinny and bleeding out of my cunt right now.
I have three exams and an essay due on Valentine's day.
"Valentine's day is oppressive!" -my English teacher (she's probably right) Though, that doesn't make me immune to participating in gay February 14th activity.
Bobby's birthday is on the 27th and I have no idea what I'm going to do or what to get him or how much it's going to cost.
When is the sun going to shine?
Dale moved into the apartments with an indoor pool. I plan on going swimming this weekend! ....and watching a free movie (Pans Labyrinth preferably) and eating free popcorn and buying warm clothes because I live in a goddamn Kentucky ice patch.
Other than that I'll be holed up in the apartment studying about shit like seizures and Hinduism.
Spring break needs to come faster.
eeaaat me.