Title: Love Me Baby, Kiss Me Baby 2/?
Genre: Drama. Romance. AU.
Pairing: Reituki, AoixUruha, AoixOC
Author: xxcandyholicxx
Rating: Pg-13 - NC-17
Warnings: Violence. Mentions of rape. Cursing. Aweful girlfriend. D<
Disclaimer: I don't own them. D:
Summary: Uruha is infatuated by Aoi, Ruki is head over heels for Reita, but they do not dare speak what their
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what exactly did kimiko do?
urrm. more details later, but you can get hints from the first chapter. somewhere in the very begining when Ruki is yelling at Aoi. if that helps any. :]
I absolutely adore your dorky reita icon *_*
I just got to work and you just made my day happy *_*
I´ll be looking foward for more =)
your welcomes. :]
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