Title: Love Me Baby, Kiss Me Baby 2/?
Genre: Drama. Romance. AU.
Pairing: Reituki, AoixUruha, AoixOC
Author: xxcandyholicxx
Rating: Pg-13 - NC-17
Warnings: Violence. Mentions of rape. Cursing. Aweful girlfriend. D<
Disclaimer: I don't own them. D:
Summary: Uruha is infatuated by Aoi, Ruki is head over heels for Reita, but they do not dare speak what their hearts yearn to say.
Comments: Yay. Chapter two. :D~
Chapter One
There was an uncomfortable atmosphere in the room that one can predict the outcome only being unpleasant.
“I said no!”
“But Ru-”
“No buts Uruha! Are you trying to get yourself killed or something?” The shorter boy barked out.
Uruha gave out a long sigh as he leaned against the wall of the hospital room. “You’re not my mom Ruki.” The honey-haired student muttered under his breath. Though he says that, Uruha could not deny the fact that Ruki always seems to act like that. It had nothing to do with Uruha’s own childish behavior, but more of Ruki being his normal protective self. Do not get him wrong, Uruha thought it was sweet to have someone other than his parents looking after him, but sometimes…
“Like I was saying Uruha…its far too dangerous for you to go back home, or school as a matter of fact. Stay here.”
“Ruki!” Uruha whined in a high-pitched voice, almost sounding like a girl. “It’s just my left arm. It’s not like both of my legs are disabled or something!”
Ruki stared at his friend’s legs for the longest of times. “You know…” He paused suddenly. A finger reaching up to tap softly on his lips. “We could always fix that-”
“Don’t you think you overdone it just a little Uruha?” Kai’s right eye twitched at the sight shown before him. “I mean…”
Uruha ignored his friend and went back to drinking his soda in peace, or so he thought. Ruki was right next to him, cursing and grumbling between bruised and bloodstained lips. From what Kai had inspected from Ruki‘s bruises, his two buddies were fighting about something stupid once again. Kai chuckled a little at the thought before getting an annoyed glare from the blonde.
“Why the hell are you laughing? Huh?”
“Shut up Ruki.” Uruha shoved the blonde’s shoulder jokingly. Ruki only growled before slumping into his chair.
“Why the hell did you go and do that for Kimiko?” Aoi snapped.
Kimiko turned around to see Aoi in front of her apartment and just smiled. “What are you talking about sweetie?” She asked innocently as if she had no idea what Aoi was referring.
“Kimiko…” Aoi grumbled out. “Uruha…why?”
“Take a good guess Aoi.” Kimiko quickly cut off her boyfriend from speaking. “That boy was all over you at the party!” She hissed out, her voice oozing with disgust. “It was sickening to see him going after MY boyfriend! I mean, what was I supposed to do? Just leave it be so he could get into your pants?”
Aoi was at a loss of words. “That…” He rubbed his forehead and tried to keep calm. “That doesn’t mean you had to do THAT…”
“HA! Please Aoi.” She laughed in amusement. “He deserved that. Actually, I was going easy on him. That stupid whore.”
It became silent for no more than two seconds when, out of nowhere, something snapped in Aoi’s head and before he knew it, he had Kimiko pushed against the door of her apartment. Her eyes went wide like saucers.
“Wh-what the hell is wrong with you Aoi-”
“Don’t you ever say that again!”
“Hmm? Say what?” She smirked. “That that Uruha boy is a whore-”
Aoi had lost it. He had no idea why those words made his blood boil, but it did. It shouldn’t though. He shouldn’t be yelling at his girlfriend. He shouldn’t be protecting some guy who likes him when Aoi himself is straight. None of this was adding up.
A sharp pain suddenly hit him in his lower abdomen. Kimiko had kicked him once she felt his grip loosening. Aoi quickly fell to his knees with his arms wrapped around his stomach. Damn it. Did it hurt like hell.
“If you wanna be like that then go off with that fucking whore, you ass!”
It seemed like everything was falling apart for Aoi. From the confrontation, those rumors, pestering classmates, and now his girlfriend. His whole life was going down the drain…and it was all Uruha’s fault.
A quick drag of his cigarette and off went Aoi into the bustling streets.
“All Uruha’s fault.”
“Akira! Did you take out the trash yet?”
“Yes mom.”
“Akira! Do you know where your father is?”
“No mom.”
“Akira! Did you remember to wear clean underwear-”
“I‘m going now!”
Reita huffed out as he hurried to get his shoes on, stumbling clumsily out the door. “Unf!” Not looking where he was stepping, Reita had tripped over one of the stone steps and tumbled onto the ground roughly. He cursed under his breath before getting back up. “Stupid steps…”
A/N: Sorry its so short. D: Umm. Yeah. Don't you just hate Aoi's girlfriend? Don't you worries, she'll be back doing more mean shizz in later chapters. xD'' Next chapter will be more about Reita and Ruki so be patient. ;D