Apr 23, 2011 15:53

So this is was AP U.S. History has taught me about the 18th and 19th century:
a) People were barbarians (and though some would argue they still are, trust me, you'd be a little more proud of the humanity now if you had to watch videos of colonial psychos tarring and feathering anyone that made them upset).
b) Religious zeal (in colonial America) put the damper on acceptance, stunning architecture, equality, and rationality. Way to go Puritans. Y'all          were insane.
c) White people are hella stupid. Especially white males. 
d) People were disturbingly filthy and unhygienic.
e) People were disrespectful to the land and natives of that land (that hasn't changed so much, even now....).

I mean really, it's not my fault that American history doesn't get interesting until the 20th century. I could listen to someone talk about that stuff for DAYS before losing my attention.

At any rate, APUSH exam in about a week and a half. Yay~ me. 

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