Aug 20, 2004 18:40
To those of you who have heard the rumors (or are helping to spread them) about me and Chris you can really stop. It's not true and it's not fair that there being spread about us. I never did anything to the people that started them..or that helped spread them. I'm not a huge maybe I like to have a little fun with do the half of you..and wow so I joke about it..does that automatically make me one? So thanks for that one...I am also NOT sex addicted and no I do NOT have sex with him 5 times a day. And to begin with our private life is no ones business except me and him. Whoever said that we're getting married and I'm dropping out of school to is really fucking dumb. Most of this was from a person that I will not name that is mad that we are going out and decided to spread lies because she was hurt. That person I THOUGHT WAS MY FRIEND, but apparently not. So please just do me a favor and stop spreading it. And if anyone is curious when they hear these things maybe they could actually talk to me or Chris about it since it is about us and we would know best what is truth and what are lies. So thanks again to everyone who decided to ruin what little happiness I had. But whatever you tried to do didn't work cause we're still together and shit like this just makes us closer cause we see how cruel people are and how friends stab you in the back. Even ones you never did anything to.