a three rainbow day

Dec 07, 2010 11:30

this aint a stream it's a fuckin flood. hoppin around from step to ground, wall to earth, practicing to be one of them mountain goats. until then, everyone's welcome to come over, we're synthesizing quaaludes tonight. "come here, boy, i'll cutcha an dare you to bleed." trip stumble fall just lay there it's too cold to bother getting up. yer only gonna fall again and you know it. this is where it's at, bundled up lyin on the ground. lucky you landed in a dry spot you increased your chances of living through the night significantly. "shit, that ain't no kinda luck these days." put that phone up ain't nobody worth talkin to right now we dont need no fuckin platitudes. "we aint got no goddamn band, randy. and we dont need no shitass manager, neither." runnin alleys looking for ups, shootin up that cold fucking ladder the blood in my fingers' gotta be froze. god it is something beyond cold up here, it's wind needles running through my body. we're definitely alive now goddamnit. stay away from that edge there ain't no reason to get splattered up they wont be able to show you off later. you'll just end up on a damn gore thread. hey that might be your best shot at having some kind of legacy. i mean do you really think you'll do anything better? bigger? od's are soooo boring. besides we dont want that dope to take the blame or reason from your leaking head. we've been waiting on this a long fucking time and damnit they oughta give credit where credit is due. ah fuck it, a legacy aint gonna do us shit where we're going. you should really start thinking about what your last pack of cigarettes is gonna be. priorities, man.
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