Jan 29, 2008 18:28
Today wen-
-runs downstairs to get biscuits-
Went pretty good:3 Not as stressful. Got some good compliments on my outfit, made arrangments with Jesus(ashley. Don't askXD) and went walking:3 so all was good.
Tomorrow I'm tihnking about wearing shorts with leggingsO_O I know it sounds weird but in my mind it looks coolz^-^ Just have to find some decent leggingsX_X Cause the only one's I have are these black and grey stripped ones and I don't think those would go with blue jeaned shorts....do they?
Ugh, Tabby(perishing_poem) You have got me so pumped right now!>.< The lastest chapter and the rant about your mommy!D: I'm sorry about that! Would you like me to be your mommy:3
Anywho, I've seriously been lacking off in Devil may Cry-ness. Maybe cause I'm close to the end and don't want it to be over?D: Cause I'm sure when I get four I'll beat it in a heart beatXD
I'm seriously considering pushing the pool to the side and just doing the mall party:3 Playing hide and seek in the mall! With costumes! yush!>.< Ashwies's b-day is thursday!:O I'm seriously considering if I want to get her Balloons or cooking her waffles. Hm....