Jan 28, 2008 20:28
I'm sub vp of the anime club at are school!XDDDD
So next year I will be VP. I know, seems silly but I was rather excited. I had to give a mini speech and I mentioned something I shouldn't:/
LanceD: I'm very sorry. I should of thought before thinking. If you're upset please forgive me.
ughX_X Everyone is very rioty>.< But I'm one of them so I'll definitely have to work on that. Ugh...I feel sick. I think I forced too much Spagetti into my tummy.X_________________X
DudeO_O I think I seriously suffer from roleplay/mansex withdraw. Cause if it's been awhile since I've done it, I get in the worse of moods. I think I'm going through it>.< But it's slowly gaining. Muwahaha. Well, I'm tired so I shall snooze.