
Sep 08, 2006 11:52

so im gunna try and explain what i went through last night. it was hoenstly life changing and the most insane thign ive ever experienced. so me and josh are hanging out and are tryign to think of somethign to do. so josh calls up this girl he knows that has an empty hosue htat we can all chill at and drink. so we call up pruckler adn turns out he wotn be comign for awhiel cuz hes goin to thousand oaks with eri c and shayna to buy shrooms. that kind of bumbs me and josh out and then we also fidn out josh has no moeny to even buy the alcohol. so i callup pruckelr adn tell him ill jsut go for fun. i have no moeny to buy anythign, i jsut wnated tochill mode. befoer we leave, josh gets like 20 bux from his mamasita. so me, eric, adn daniel go to the gym and ethen we coem back and pick joshy up. then we pick up shayna. so on the way there eric was liek "garrett, ill let you haev my portion if you take it at TO". so im liek dooooownn and i jsut start to egt ultra physched. the plan was for shayna and eric to buy an eighth, daniel to buy half an eighth, and josh to buy half an eight. so im tlaking to daniel and im like "youshoudl buiy a full eight and take 3/4 of it and ill take the last quarter and then il put it withmy half and have 3/4 as well. so we get to TO and the guy didnt want to give us 2 and a half eights os we wound up buyign three. so we have a an extra half hanging aroufd. soooo me and daniel decide to take full 8ths and joshadn shayna splitted theres up. this is everyones first tiem (cept for daniel) so i shoudlt relly be takign a full eighth. so we eat em all up in erics car befor ewe leave. pretty disgustign tasting. joshed loved them. so we strat drivign and after botu a half hour im looking at everythign tryign to see if anythign is otu of the norm. so im liek thinkignis that weird? is that weird? then out of nowhere it jsut hits me and dnaiel. i get thi shuge fuckin body high. it was tremendous. it felt liek i had chill snad they jsut kept run up and down my body. then we go to a gas staion and everythign is green fo rsoem reason. i dant really explainhow i felt, but it was insane. i was relly happy oto for some reason. so now the plans to go to this girl loreleis hoseu and ac tliek were normal and not tell them were all on shrooms. i immediatley blew it. i was laughing for no reason, and frkeaing out. i look at shayan and her face looked honeslty like a sketched drawing. ive never seen anythign liek it. i started to take sips of tea out of this cup and i kept freakin out cuz it felt liek the cup was literally swallowing me. so then im sitting down on the couch and im jsut rippign otu. someone gave me another sip of tea and athats wehn i lost it. once again i thought the cup awas wating me(and when i say this, it honeslty looked liek a cup swallowing me. its kind of hard not to freak out) so i jerk the cup off me adn spil all over me. i then had to pee really abd and it felt liek i was peeign myself. with all the tea on my clothes and sutff i didnt know if i was peeingmyself. haha. so this is when my bad trip started. i jsut got really emotional. i og treally uncomfortable and upset and decided to go tothe bathroom. i go to go pee and i look at my penis. to my surpirse its about a inch and ahlf long. so i start frekaing out and i lookat it and it jsut start shrinking more. it got down to abotyu half an inch and hten is tarted to look at it and it was withering away like my skin was aging. then i looekd at my arms and the skin on taht was doign that as well. so i start panicing and i loo in teh mirror and everything loks normal. then it looked like my face was liek melting so i ran out. i had a huge stomache ache and wanted the trip to stop so i wanted to throw up. i wen tout back and it was sooo weird. the trees looked like fake plastic trees adn the grass loomkekd liek astro turf or soemthign. it was reall yreally fake looking. i went back in teh bathroom adn tried to throw up. i coudlnt throw up for about 10 mintues, and then i jsut started thorwign up the hardest i ever have. my lips went over my head and i htoguth i was thrwoign up all of my insides. then i thoguth the bowl was swallowing me. i go oout and sit down and everyoen jsut looks liek giants. everythign was huge and i was so tiny. i was so uncomfortabel. i go outside and try to make eric take me hoem but he woudltn so i sit down (once again evrythign oputside looekd liek a set. evrythiogn looked pasltic and fake. it looekd really cool, but iw asnto enjoyign the trip at all) on some grass and try to prey to god to get me otu of thsi trip. i look at my arms and fist and they are liek dark boneslie a demon or somethignm. i look dowmj at the ground and it was all dark and ther ewa sliek twigs. i was pretyign to god but it felt liek somethign was lsitenmign to me adn keepign me form him. i odtnknwophow to explaintio. it mwas really scary. umm im try and end this quickyl now cuz im sick of typing. i started to stop havig abad trip adn jsut got really happy out of nowher eand talked to everyoen. the wall were breathing, eric hjad four eyes, fruiot snakcs tasted insanely good. it started to jstuturn itno teh best experience ive ever had. we lef tthe hoseu adn it seriopsuly felt liek iwa sleavign soemthign behind me. i dunno hwo to explainit. i dunno why, but it feel sliek soemthign that everyone shoiudl go through. its jsut an experience i fell lie everyone should have. i dunno. im doen. im sick of typing. crazy night thogh. ha
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