(no subject)

Jul 07, 2006 00:02

so ive beenm told that gettig drunkl by yoruself is jsut a big sign of beign an alcohilc, btu iv enoticed ebverytime ive goten drunk, i tend to flaot -away fromeveryone and be msyelf. not that i dont lie beign with my frienda or anythign, but i usually jsut fuck thigns up when im durnk. i lveo ho wit feels whenm im like this though. so i came to the conclusion its proll yebs to be liek this by myself. i dont meananythign perosnal by this but when im with peopel i seem tofuc it up lately.evenm the ones i lvoe most. ebst example: nikki.(shane also) ilove you mroe than anythign but im fuckin shitup sober or drunk. dunno what to do with myself dotn wanna stop feelign this feelign because i feel so amzing(is that a sign of alcoholism? cough cough) so i jsut wanted see what is like bny myself. its amazing so far. everythign is amazing. msuic soudns so good i can hoenstly cry. ithink ill cry tongiht. iwont act tough.... i need it. so much gojn righ tnow itll help so much. whavter. uil stop right now. mopst of you will think this is really weiord so dont reply. it feels good to jksut relaise it though. if im actign fucked up altely, im sorry, jsu tknow i love you guys. serosuly. nikki, nbno matter waht i do, please dont lave me. ilveoe you so much. sorry im so ay now. peace nuckas. ill prolly delete this soon ro jstu forget abotu til next i go on.
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