(no subject)

Nov 25, 2006 05:08

Holy crapola. I've been so busy lately it's nuts. Living on your own is so much harder than what I expected. With school on top of everything I'm starting to fall back into my old habits of not caring but I know I can't let that happen.

I got my wisdom teeth on my right side pulled today. It sucked balls I was so nervous. I just cranked my iPod as the dentist went to town on my teeth. I go back in like 3 weeks to get my left side pulled. Atleast he was nice about it and let me keep one side of my mouth to eat with. I split my stitches on the bottom though from sneezing. Peice of shit dentist only gave me T2's for pain killers. What the shit is that? I've taken 9 of them so far in like 6 hours. Not good for you but oh well.

Went out with Dan tonight for the first time in FOREVER. God how I missed that boy. I never thought I'd be able to hang out with him normally again without things being akward but surprisingly it was fine. No akwrad silences, nothing. Did alot of catching up with eachother. Got pulled over by some dumb military cop. It was funny cuz he thought we were drunk. We drove around for a good 2 hours then went to Denny's (yummmmm). Dan paid for gas and I paid for food. It was a good few hours out of the house. First time I've actually been out in over 5 months since living with Stan and it was a nice vacation from school/work/slaving over the apartment. I got home at 2:45 and the stupid fire alarm was going off in the apartment. The elevators wouldn't work so I basically burned the fatty denny's away by walking 9 stories to find Stan sound asleep in bed and the dog barking like mad. SOOOOO woke Stan, he didn't give two shits so I took the dog down stairs for 20 misn till fire trucks came and put the stupid fire out. Some somolian lady was cooking and started a fire. (Who the hell cooks and starts a fire at 3am, seriously lol)

So pretty much I'm stuck awake waiting for the 3 tylenol's I took to kick in cuz my mouth is KILLIIIIING me. I'm gunna try sleeping again but probly won't work. Tomorrow will be lame. Staff meeting for 2 hours at Pizza Pizza but I won't even be able to eat anything which sucks balls big time. Oh well. I can't wait till december, I get to work 22 hours a week aside from 9 measly bullshit hours. If they're still cut like that in January I need a 2nd job. Don't want one cuz that's alot to handle at once but I can't keep borrowing 500$ a month from my dad I feel horrible doing that cuz I know I can never pay him back. Even with me AND Stan working we're always short for rent. Groceries are maddddd expensive and that's usually what runs us dry. WIht the two of us packing lunches, eaing breakfast and dinner every day/night along with little things like snacks it runs me a good 150-200$ a week which is insane. Since living on my own I definitely have a new found respect for my parents and the way I treated them when I lived with them thinking that money just came easy and groceries were pocket change to them. Definitely not. BUT ANYWAY. Enough ranting for the night. I'm off to ice my face and try to pass out....actually, a popcicle sounds good first. Stan was a sweetheart and bought me pudding and popsicles when I was passed out :) hehe. I love pudding. and he got my favorite 'itsakadoosie' popsicles. woop woop!!!

ANYWHORE; laters gators <3
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