Apr 04, 2006 18:25
SPring bReak is the m0st whaCk thinG eVer inVentEd i SweaR
anYwaYs as u prolly alReadY guesSeD mY bReak hAs beEn DuMb aiN't shit been goin on.. basically i've sat at da cRib the whole entire time beSides yesterdaY i went n chilled wit a bUnch of RaW aSs people wit Jolene and alYssa and that waS PreTti fUn,.. besiDes daT tho haVn't done shit cePt sat on mY ass bUt yea jUst felt like UpDatein cUz i'm b0red oUt of mY miNd well h0pefUllY bReaK gitS betta bUt i'll uPdaTe later
L0ve to0o all mY biTchEz -*RaQuel
*-*Comment and tell me what ya been uP 2..=P *-*