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Mar 26, 2006 19:47

YEAH so0o baSicllaY had the beSteSt weeKend eVeR..!!!

BaCk t0o0o me and da 0lD giRlS.... YA betta kno..

~*SereniTy*~..i luV y0u h0pe y0u haD a RaW ass biRthdaY paRtY cUz i kno i haD al0ta fUn..

~*AlYssA*~..Y0u kno i lUv y0u m0re than ne thiNg in the w0rld and i'm haPPy we r c0ol as hell agaiN.. i'm reallY sad we grew apart from each other for so0o lonG..bUt we are baCk t0o0o beinG giRlS aGaiN and thats all that matteRs..!!

~*J0leNe*~..I love u.alWaYs and forEVer ya betTa kno.....RaKel + Jolene = GiRls 4 liFe...lol

*Brandi..Ya kno i lUv y0u..!!!
t0o0o baD u coUldn't of staYed longeR..=( hope we hanGoUt m0re ofteN
lol "WalMarT" lmao gReat tiMeS...

aNyWaY* FridaY waS a blaSt i haVn't haD that mUch fUn in a long aSs tiMe..
Me jolene and alyssa threw oUr sereniTy a sUprise birhtdaY paRty..!!
Omg it wasS so0o fUnni,., he he*
wE haVe so0o mUch FUn together
i have miSsed these giRls s0o0o mUch
i'm so0o haPPi seren is finallY ungr0unded.!!!
Than -KevIn- came up there 4 a lil biT and that waS co0l..
CuZ i got to c hiM 4 a minuTe and he got to meet Da giRLs.,
Then amanda piCked hiM up and he leFt to0o jo jo's hotel..
then me jo seren and alyssa chilled 4 da reSt of the night..
Then SaturdaY we woke up ATe Mad comfort inn fo0d..
*i had a...
Cereal cap n cRunCh*,
Waffels..I maDe them mYselF..=P,
DOnuTs 3 of them!!,
Orange Juice..=),
And some other stuff but i don't remember,
After we got done fillin our faces
we went in da hot tuB It felt so0o go0d 2..!!
after da hot tub ya gots to git in the po0l
so thats what we did =)
"Bugger" lmao funni shit in da p0ol..!!
Then WE packed all of our shit up
and went to jolenes crib 4 tha daY n crashed
Then it was off
to mCdonalds.. YUm
Tanning..Ekk I'm so0o BuRnt =(
Mall.. sad face =( *window shoppin = Worst thing in the world =(
Then back to mo mo's to git ReadY for the night
David ended up comein to piCk all of uS uP and we went to coDys paRtY
Came u SAY awkWArd..!!!
4 one none of Uss giRls git along with n e of the giRls that were there..
Besides i git alone with KayLa and bro0ke cUz dem my girls and will b 4 life
so0o it was all go0d bUt a-A hates me lyssa and jo
and her Bf kept trying to catch us on fire..
It was scary and alyssa got a hole burnt in her sock
Ha ha funniest thing ever..!!
Then we went to wesco seen (mY home giRls kristen, taylor and Rakia)
after that we went to gregs cUz it waS to cold at coDys..
Then we sat there 4 a minute and i got to see celicia
and i was happy cuz i havn't seen her in a long time..! then
WE went back to jolenes for the night..
then woke up alyssa left then i did...
came home slept ALL DAY now i'm here
so yeaH FUn weekend!!! LAtERs*-*
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