(no subject)

Mar 09, 2008 01:03

Hey everyone! i'm feeling so uninspired lately! most of the shakira icons were made in january..i feel so blah. i've been leeching on other ppls ideas except for like 3 things lol i'm sorry.. annd you guys can expect a tutorial soon!

001 - 070   Shakira
071 - 085   Britney Spears




Britney Spears

affiliate| resources| request

join-it would make me very happy :)

++credit shakirafixation @ xx_fixated_xx
++textless icons are not bases
++do not use outside of LJ
++please, please don't hotlink
++come back for more!

btw are u guys interested in photography lol ?

celebrity: britney spears, celebrity: shakira, ! icons

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