Jun 17, 2008 18:26
well, junior year is finally over and i've barely updated this blog. huh.
well, actually... i take that back. my life is way too dramatic. seriously. i mean, how much drama can one person get? i've only been in high school for three years and my life has too much crap going on for a normal person to function... on top of that i'm at one of the top boarding schools in the country and i'm trying to get into a respectable college. talk about pressure.
anyway. i've come out of this year relatively unscathed, but i have absolutely no idea what the next year will bring. i know it's going to take alot of hard work and determination to get through the next year, at least till senior spring. then i'm off and i can just party hard and study later, haha.
but yeah... i have a real hectic schedule for the summer. it's ridiculous. first i need to SAT and ACT-fy, as well as complete the common app. i'm working out, getting in shape, stretcing and getting flexible for next dance season. i'm writing more fanfiction, and i'm also thinking about starting an original fiction as my personal project. i'm also learning a particularly long piece on the piano (and i don't need to explain that i actually DON'T play the piano). on top of that, i need to go work at some company on an energy conservation project for high schoolers. my aunt described it as 'labour work'. i'm slightly apprehensive to what that means. however, there is slight hope. perhaps i'll meet a cutie and have a little summer fun...
haha, jkjk. i would never do that. especially since i have a cutie of my own waiting for me back in boston... he's more than i'll ever need, and more wonderful than i can imagine, even if he did cause a whole lot of ruckus along the way. i feel lucky to be his 'special someone', as bri put it so articulately, haha. mi pobrecito, such a heartbreaker.
anyway, between my FMA-ness, and harrypotter-ness, and twilight-ness, i'm going to have to do alot of work. either way, dinner calls. AND MY DARLING EDWARD ELRICH IS IN NEED ON THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE. WAAAH. NOOOOOOOOO.
-<3 chels.