Jul 07, 2010 16:33
Earlier today, noontime, leave commenced. This break has been well-deserved and well-needed for quite some time. It time to indulge in copious amounts of Star Trek and reading for these next couple days. I will be alone, except for the dogs because Bethany is working. And then, to Chicago.
I can't help but think that there is still storm on the horizon - day by day it nears our little world of complacency. That, of course, is an ironic statement because my lifestyle, my unit, my whole philosophical being, is anything but complacent - especially in comparison to other similar organizations. In any case, I don't think light at the end of the tunnel is here yet, and I don't necessarily think that light is a good omen. We shall see. I could be wrong.
My buddy Ivan is going to be leaving soon...I will miss him dearly. He's often viewed as too smart for his own good. Been a great friend these last three years. I don't think I have ever, nor will I ever, know someone as interesting as him. Alas, we still can't take the guy anywhere. I hold a gratuitous amount of respect for Mr. Reihsmann, who is well beyond his in terms of his perspective with all things. Plus side: totally dig the same comics and manga and have had hours of talk about superheroes and fantasy, but not in a nerdy way (if such a thing were possible). Anywho, my best goes to him.
Georgie...I don't quite know what to say about this guy. He is everyone's caretaker and we won't realize the impact he made on us until he's not there anymore. He's been a great friend to me and have always, without fail, been there when I, or any one else needed him. Mr. Ricondo's strive to improve is unparalleled and matched by none that I'm aware of. Best of luck. Keep on learning and keep on pushing.
More to come...the day is young.
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The movie Juno is a blasted funny movie. "Ya'know, in the old days, when it was quick and dirty." It reminds me how much growing up I still have to do. That Bethany and I both have some growing up to do. I can't wait to have kids, but man, I'm not ready. I see my friends, who are younger than me, with kids, and I'm speechless. However, now would definitely be the time in my, nay, our lives that it would be the most practical to afford ourselves that little luxury. I have barely started to scrap away at my next enlistment (as of June 1).
On another note, the next, and hopefully final, step in this next phase of my college career is through Thomas Edison State College in New Jersey. I have managed to consolidate all, or at least most, of the credits I've accumulated over the years from four different colleges into one: TESC. I'm sitting on 102 credits and I have to get the final 18 credits of my Bachelor's degree at the college (the school policy requires 18 credits for Bachelor's and 9 credits for Associate's at the college itself). It's not a bad gig, from what I understand - no tuition because I am within military contract, and the classes are $230 per semester, so, roughly $700 a class. I have an appointment with an advisor on the 19th of July, so hopefully that'll straighten up any questions I may have. I'm excited about it, mostly because my degree with be a Bachelor's of Arts in Music.
Furthermore, I will be purchasing a Starfleet Uniform. I just want to wear the jacket. I still reserve that if there were any way for me to become an astronaut, I would do just about anything. Can't decide on Command Red or Engineering/Communications Gold.