Philosophical Discussion.

Jul 07, 2010 00:59

Are you doing everything you can as a leader?

Am I owning my craft?

Why did I re-enlist?

I re-enlisted because I like my job. Despite what people think, I do not, nor did I ever, dislike the Marine Corps. I like being a musician and I like the Esprit de Corps that comes with being a Marine. I take pride in everything I do, even down to the smallest of things (like making a CD case look Marine-like). I thought, and still believe, that I may be able to influence the band field in some way and make an impact on people through my leadership, my musicianship, and my motivation. I received a bad stigma during my earlier time in unit because of first impressions and grudges/lasting impressions, and it took a long time to claim that I was not that person anymore. People change. I changed. I'm cerebral. According to Nace. I do think. I am smart. I need to delve back into viewing things more in depth; these surface answers to questions will not suffice. If there is a way I can counteract me being an introvert, it is through my intellect and experience in which my other peers do not possess. I am a cut above the rest as both a musician and a leader and I need to start playing to my strengths, while seeking out criticism for my weaknesses. I will seek help. Adversity is opportunity in disguise. I will make my opportunities. There will not be waiting any longer.

In the words of Abraham Lincoln, "Judge us not all equally." As far as rights that every human is inalienably afforded, everyone is not equal - we all have different skills and strengths that others do not possess. It is my mantra, not only as a Marine, but a improvement motivated individual to seek out ways to enhance myself.

I looked into my co-worker's, my superior's, my friend's eyes today and said that I could not allow him to drive home drunk. Even though he is/was going through a tough time, I cannot disrespect the man. He is an abounding personification for the ethics and morals that I have always upheld and continue to embrace as a member of the Marine Corps. He asked me why I was chose this course of action. I had nothing but surface answers to his probing question. I knew why I did it, but why did I not say it? It was the right thing to do. Because I would have done it for anyone, Marine or not. Because I respect this man too much to let him do something stupid like that. Because deep inside of me I would not be able to live with myself if something had happened to him. I have not in quite some time been plagued by such intense emotions.

There will be change. These times they are a-changin'. There will be plenty more to discuss in the coming months, I suspect. I must rely on the core of my intellect to get me through. "There's still plenty of time left to OWN everything you do. Make every action completely intention. There are no accidents."
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