Oct 31, 2004 20:31
Today was my favorite holiday of all time..Halloween and it was great I went trick or treating and it was three of the most random people The Undertaker, Barbie and 10-Cheese lol i wont tell who they were but i was The Undertaker(the current one) and it was great...Joey came as Jason and after awile we went trick or treating with 10-Cheese, Kevin, Pete, and Andrew...10-Cheese is gunna start 2 of his own wrestling feds: "W" and "WWWWEFACI" or sumthing like that which will sorta be like my former "XWA" and new [TwT] so yeah one is serious and the other is funny but somewhat stupid...i got home and took pics of the dead man taker thing i had on 2day and i did the one be4 he came back when he took on vince mcmahon and by the way Man McVince is the owner of "W" but the question now is will any former XWA superstars join W or the other fed yet? or continue TwT or remake XWA cough CwC is a possible rename i'll up with more and me anad joey agreed that our next movie is a road rules challenge which was supposed to be done right after real world but now a year later its gunna be done and with the real world contestants being putting up to the challenge with the return of jason and the funny thing is he'll(me) will look the same as last year cuz of me have the spikes again...maybe after that the blind movie and my outlast show and/or savings bond and/or The Hounted Woods which was the 1st movie i ever thought up with Paulo and Josh when they lived on my block...most likly hounted woods will be both harwood and hazel cuz joey wants to make another horror movie so i'll let him have part of it...and btw my hair is blonde again and hopefully i'll have new pics up next post but i dunno how to put them up..