(no subject)

Feb 26, 2007 21:58

Did everyone hear yet that they may have found Christ's tomb? I don't really know where they found it but they think they might have found his tomb. I can only imagine what they are going to do with it. They'll probably open it, take out whatever's inside it I'm not really sure if bones turn to dust considering they were buried 2500000 AC-I don't even think I want to know. They'll probably sell the dust/bones over ebay for millions of dollars. "Here, I will give you a peice of the one and only Christ for $12,000,000,000!" People are pathetic. But can you imagine if it really was the tomb of Christ. Religion would have a new meaning. This actually ties into Sarah's post. I already believe in God, but for all those people who didn't...

As wierd as it sounds, I believe that there is a God, but I don't believe in the bible. I know that sounds sort of hypocrit-ish but the bible seems sort of foolish and slightly unbelievable. I mean how does one make a giant arc that fits two of every animal that ever existed/exists? But I do believe in God himself and I believe there's a heaven and a hell and I also believe in pergatory. I think Pergatory is where ghosts go. Sometimes this whole God thing makes me wonder though, I mean what will it feel like to die, coz everything would just be blank. If you think about it, no one ever remembers what it's like to be in your mothers womb, so will it be like that? You just don't have a recollection of it? Or does one really go to heaven or hell? No one can sit here and think I'm morbid because in reality everyone has to think about it one point in time whether its when you're a kid, a teenager, an adult or an older folk. I never liked talking about it but, no one else does and I think sometimes someone needs to say something...you know to find comfort.

Ok, back to optimistic Tiffany lol. The weekend was ok. I mean I wish I would have went out with the girls but I couldn't due to stupid taxes. But I went to Ben's like always and we went and got Andy-whom I could have killed-and we had to clean his room. His Residence room was disgusting. Garbage was everywhere, cigarettes, pop/beer bottles EVERYWHERE. Ben cleaned it for him coz Andy was drunk and stoned when we got him. I could have killed him. He didnt even care that Ben was cleaning his room and than he was like," Tiffany get off your lazy ass and help Ben." I didnt say anything I just shot him my bitch face and he was like, " I'm just kidding." Everyone knows you dont bitch or tell Andy to do anything coz he'll bitch at you twice as much and make you feel like a bag of shit. So than we are on our way to Belleville when we drove past my old house and ben said something about it and andy was like," What a dump, was your mom a crack whore?" I freaked out and through a cd at his face and told Ben to drive me home before I jumped out of the car but nope, he kept driving to Belleville and I didnt jump out of the car. I wish I did though. I hate Andy soo much. It was his birthday that day as well lol.

We went bowling that night and Andy tried making small talk to me coz he knew I was mad and wanted to throw a bowling ball at him. So than I felt a little better and lost at bowling like always. I also ripped half my finger nail off and than lost my band-aid in a bowling ball lol.

Sunday we went skating and that was fun. I fell once and now my butt is bruised and it feels broken. It was good though considering I haven't skated in 6 years or so. I also never wore guys skates and I used them this time. It was fun, I want to go again.

10 more days til Florida. I so can't even wait! We are spending two days at Universal, 1 day at the ocean, we are going to watch a space shuttle launch-which is going to a once in a life-time thing for a lot of people and than I think we're going to some Gator Zoo thing, and other stuff Im not sure about yet. I hope we go shopping!!

When I come back it'll be mine and Bens 1 year anniversary! I have never been with a guy that long but I love him to death, I've never had anyone make me feel so happy. At first it was rocky and I didnt care if I was with him or not and he felt the same way but something changed somehow and everything worked out perfectly. I hope we're together forever. And I hope things dont ever change.

T+B=<3 forever
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