Jun 02, 2005 12:16
I got home from the show and made plans with Bob Grant. As I was about to leave my phone rang, and it was cousin Katie. Seems like she got stranded at the Movie Threater, with her friend. I was not all about letting my 17 year old cousin and her friend walk home a few miles through Cherry Hill at 11:30 at night, so I grabbed Bob Grant and picked them up from Lowes. I'm just happy that the girl knows if she needs something that she can call me. I want to be on everyone's "fast team." So we dropped them off at the friend's house, then me and the Bob Grant jetted over to Dut's.
When I got there Dut, Bri, and John were all waiting to give me money. Well, we played poker but I def. won. I did end up splitting some of my pot with Tom, because he had chips left and no one felt like staying up later for me to beat him (seeing how it was 2 a.m. and we had been playing for 2 hours). I still got the larger share of the pot, since I was the chip leader by a good couple of dollars. During poker conversation I realized that my desire to drink is back. This is not a good thing, I have done so well with this since October, but it's back. I think it may be a combo made up partly of current events and largely with it being summer. So I ask you all for your prayers and your encouragment as I attempt to fight back this desire. Before we left for the night, we watched an old tape we had made during highschool. "The Interview with Jesus" (circa Sophmore year) and "Illiterate Man" (circa Junior Year). They are still both hilarious (empahsis on "hi"). "....WHAT!?..." HAHAHA!
Stan has been crazy at work lately, and he's been missing prayer group. On Sunday, he didn't feel up to driving all the way down to Franklinville for church, so he came with me to church. We dinered it up first and then headed over. There was a bunch of people missing and the place seemed empty, but it was good worship, so I was ok with it. The rest of Sunday was spent at work, and then I stopped over Dut's for only a bit.
Monday I worked from 12-6, and it was crazy buzy...but it was cool because I made time and a half, so I got payed for 9 hours instead of 6. When I got home I just chilled for a few hours before heading out. I went bowling with Bri, John, Emily, Tom and Tom's friend Kim. The last game me and Tom had an opposite hand roll-off. Basically, I bowled with my right hand and he bowled with his left. I beat him 75-66, and clinched the game with a 10th frame strike. Either way, we can both do better with our other hand then John can do with his dominate hand. Afterwards we got a pizza and chilled at Brian's for awhile. We ended up planning out what we were doing for Tuesday.
I woke up at 9:40 on Tuesday morning to my phone vibrating on my dresser. It was Dut, and I was no all about waking up at first. We began to chat and I stepped outside and it was GORGEOUS! Which meant that the beach trip was on. We called up the other guys and headed for OC. We took 2 cars, because John thought he was going to have to leave early. On the way down me and John def. did not....not....kinda race. It must of been hilarious to watch, my '98 Ford Escort Wagon vs. John's Late 80's-early 90's little Toyota. He got up ahead of me, and was crusing at around 80. I caught up to him and he sped up to about 85, so I switched lanes and went to pass him at 90. He wasn't feeling that so right before I passed him he cut me off. YOU DON'T PLAY THOSE GAMES AT 90 MPH! So he kept his lead for ahwhile, but he made one mistake, he couldn't remember the exit. He calls me "Dude, what exit do we take?" I wasn't giving in, so I, very kindly, told him to follow me. I won, as expected. We were on the beach by 12:30
We set up in between 9th and 8th, conviently with a Mac and Manco situated right behind us. First things first, we grabbed the football. We headed for a clear spot on the beach. We ended up with plenty of room near the music pier. There was also a very nice, steep, hill where we were playing. What began as me telling the guys to "Hit me as I come down the hill." Became, "throw it to me so I have to dive fully extened off the top of the hill for it." At first they were just making me dive from only half way down the hill at best, and everytime I hit the ground it was "ARE YOU OK!?" To which I responded with, "of course." They got the picture when Brian wussed out on making me dive, but threw it behind me. So I'm running down with this hill, with my momentum going downhill. I had to stop myself, jump back for the ball, and it was so far behind me I could only get my left hand on it. I caught the ball with the one hand, hit the ground and tumbled down the hill, while holding on to possession of the ball the entire time. I got up to see three jaws dropped. They knew I was serious about letting this hill beat the crap out of me. So the next time I took one, Tom threw it and he was serious about it. The ball was perfect! I hit the top of the hill and dove...with both my arms fully extended I caught it and then it was just waiting to hit the ground. The Vertical drop was between 6-7 feet and then however long the horizontal aspect of it was. It was incredible, I am one crazy hill-hopping boy!
The rest of the day at OC was spent swimming, eating, relaxing, listening to music, more football (yet less extreme), and frizbee. We left OC at around 4 to the dismay of some nearby ladies, to get some Gyro's at Bill's in AC.
Tom rode with me this time, and we decided we were lucky not of been shot, since we drove around downtown Alantic City blasting Vanessa Carlton with the windows down. Bill's was, once again, incredible. We got Calmaryi as an apptetizer and then dove into the Gryo's. Brian couldn't eat a gryo cause of his teeth, but we decided that it was an excuse to come again soon. We signed our dollar bill and left. John driving seperate really worked out because, we were running late, so I was able to just jump on route 40 and head straight to prayer group.
Prayer group was good. We had good worship, and then we talked about devotional time and how we use it/spend it. Most people do it by daily devotion books, reading the bible, and listening to music (the three I do). We played "The princess is having a ball" and next week we will play again, and do the questions this time (this could be interesting). After prayer I went to Bri's for a bit before going home.
Wednesday I didn't do anything until the diner. I rocked the diner with Kate, Sharon and Bob. Afterwards we played this wicked fun card game that Sharon taught us, euckra (I think that's how it's spelled). And tonight is the first bible study at John Inverso's, so I can't wait for that.
The reason this entry is called "Nothing to Hide" is because I'm not hiding anything from this web-site anymore. Because of the different people who read this I would withhold certain things. I would eagrly share the good things in my life, but sometimes skip out on the bad things, not share what I'm struggling with. But I need to write out my struggles, even if no one reads this, for my own sanity. My two biggest struggles right now are "interactions" with girls and alcohol. I've been able to keep these struggles in check, but like I said earlier just barely....so I ask you all to keep these things in mind in your prayers.
Snap, that is one long three part entry. If you decided to undertake the task of reading this, I applaud you...and hope you enjoyed it