Tomorrow Cosplay Event ♪

Jun 16, 2007 21:04

OMG! I got the message from
aoyama_yuki this day XD!
But, I surprise when she write that her cosplay with
akirasama is canceled *crying hard*
She write like this: Eeerr... de-chan (well, she called me by that ^________^) I think, we cancel our cosplay next day. 'coz our jersey is not completly.

my respone: AFGRHSTYHDK---!!!! *can't speak*


I sure that her cosplay is better than other cosplayer, I guess (^_____________^)
'Coz she's cosplay Rikkai with her friends at Taman Anggrek Mall on June, 17th XDDDDD!
Can't wait it!

Oh, yeah. I almost forgot.
School is start this day and makes me sucks 'coz of that teacher =___________= *lazy*
I'm not a lazy person or something, but my teacher is really KILLER PERSON.
I must thank of god that she's teach us about Geography Subject (that's my best subject XD)
She gave us 10 homeworks about Geography + do some experiment's stuff next Monday *yelled lound*

I agree with
rainne_yuumei 'coz she've a same felling like as me too.
School is boring! 'coz we always meet our teacher again, again, and again.
Talk too much, give us homeworks, and have a difficult test.
Maybe I got a headche this day *stress*

Wish we can meet each-other in the same place  and talk about Tenipuri and Tenimyu's stuff ♪
But, I can't speak by Philipina's Languange *too bad*
My best language are: Indonesian (of course lah~) + Mandarin's (still try it hard with Laa-sensei)

Guess  what?! My mother, doesn't want I study Japanese Language----!!!!!!
She like to see me study Mandarin's Language (;_____________;)
And my father want to transfer me to 'Bei Shi Da--Er Middle School' at Beijing, China DDDDDDX
So, I leaving Indonesia so easy?!
No way! I wanted to reject it, but I couldn't T_T

Just want to cry...

Okay, tomorrow in Taman Anggrek Mall, I'll bring my camera to take a picture with


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