birthdays! + 100 questions tags 'bout me!

Jun 14, 2007 22:43

Yo! Me again (>_____________<)--!!

actually, today is my cousin birthday XDDDD!
Happy Birthday to ROMMY X3! My favorite cousin ♪

this is his pict I taken from his friendster *laughs*:

And this is 100 questions tags about me XDDDDD!

1) Name :
Dees Yue Er
2) Current first name backwards : Dees
3) Were you named after anyone? : No.
4) Does your name mean anything? : Errr... dunno =________________=

5) Nick Name(s) : PANDASPA! FUWAHAHAHAHA--!! All of my friends says like that XP!
6) Screen Name(s) : Dees Yue Er (hmmm... i'm don't like to change everything ♪
10) Current Location : Someplace in Jakarta called HELL
11) Sign : Libra
12) Religion : Islam
13) Height : 163,4 cm
14) Shoe Size : Huh? Dunno.
15) Hair length: Shorter than usual.
16) Hair colour : Black + red streaks.
17) Eye colour :  Dark
18) Race : Asian.

19) Innie or Outie? : In.
20) Righty, Lefty, ambidextrous : Right.
21) Past Location: In my school =_____=  *tired* but last moth I went to Hong Kong ♪

22) Best friend: A particular person I’ve known since kindergarten.
23) Best friend you trust the most : Someone who's trust me even more whatever I am.
24) Best friends {your sex} : WHAT?! SEX?! WHERE?! *laughs*
25) Best friends of the opposite sex : !!!!! *shock*
26) Best Bud(s) : XOThen what are the other questions above for?
27) Boyfriend / Girlfriend : Hah?! No.
28) Crush : No.

29) Parent(s) : Fathe and Mother
30) Worst Enemy : THE DEMONS WHO'S ALWAYS AROUND ME! It's my older brother! Damn you XP!
31) Favorite on-line Guy(s) : Huh? Pretty boys????
32) Favorite on-line Girl(s) : Dunno.
33) Funniest friend : Natalie. ROFL
34) Craziest friend : All of my friends is crazy if I start it *laughs*
35) Advice Friend : o__________o None quite fits the bill.
36) Loudest Friend : Johness--!!
37) Person you cry with : I never cry since I was born (Rikkaimyu Cast: Liar! *threw the shoes to me XD!*)

Do You Have...

38) Any sisters : One stupid sister whos' always says 'bout JUNNO (from KAT-TUN)
39) Any brothers : Audrey, 7 years old. The genius, but crazy brother I ever seen.
40) Any pets : Bird named: Akaya (from 'Kirihara Akaya') 'coz my bird is so noisy like as him. And one trurtle named 'Jirou' (from 'Akutagawa Jirou') 'coz he's so sleepy wand don't want fo to outside from his hide :D!

41) A Disease : =_____= I sure hope not.
42) A Pager : I’ve always wondered how to use one.
43) A Personal phone line : I don’t have anybody here to call. Lol.
44) A Cell phone : One.
45) A Lava lamp : o.o My chemistry teacher has one on his desk.
46) A Pool or hot tub :  A sink. Closest thing
47) A Car : Wish I can have it just once!

48) Personality : Demonically + quite + evil + like to mocking all of my friends if I getting bored!
49) Driving : No.
50) Car or one you want : A damn expensive one.
51) Room : My new room is really small and... so dark (*_____________*)
52) What’s missing? : My Ipod.
53) School: Nationals School -- want to be Internationals.
54) Bed : Normaly bed.
55) Relationship with your parent(s) : Errrrr....…

Do You...

56) Believe in yourself : Hell yes.
57) Do you believe in love at first sight? : I believe in hate at first sight.
58) Consider yourself a good listener: Depending on who.
60) Get Along with your parents: Okay, I guess…
61) Save your e-mail conversationsb: .___. Yahoo! is creepy…saves everything.
62) Pray : Dear, God. Can I go to some where? Because when I in everywhere, THAT DEMONS ALWAYS AROUND ME XDDDDDDDDD!
63) Believe in reincarnation : No.

64) Like to make fun of people : hehehehehehehe.... *evil tone*
65) Like to talk on the phone : Prefer texting…
66) Like to eat? : Everyone does.
67) Like to drive : o___________o I wish

68) Get motion sickness : In tandem with the intensity. Propell me, upside down, through space-time, at the speed of light, and I'll probably die.
69) Eat the stems of broccoli: o___o LOL. Sounds like “only” eat stems of broccoli. lol
70) Eat Chicken fingers with a fork : o.o Haven’t eaten them since I was born
71) Dream in color : :3 Scientifically, no. Mentally, yes.
72) Type with your fingers on home row : o___o What’s…home row..
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: I want PANDA!

What Is...?

74) Right next to you : A biggest Dong Bang Shin Gi's poster I printed from my father's office.
75) Next to your left hand: Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards.
76) On your mouse pad: Pocky with strawberry flavour + my mouse!

77) Your dream car : DAMN EXPENSIVE.
78) Your dream date : DAMN EXPENSIVE.
79) Your dream honeymoon spot : DAMN EXPENSIVE.
80) Your dream husband/wife : DAMN RICH. YEAH. Ohwait. I think it should be the other way around. =___=;;
81) Your bedtime : T___T Er.
82) Under your bed : No.
83) The single most important quote: Does everyone in here have a type-x?!
84) Your bad time of the day : Mid-day.
85) Your worst fear(s) : No-one.

86) The weather like : WET, RAIN, COLD, WINTER.
87) The time? : 11:24 PM
88) The date? : June 14th
89) The best trick you ever played on someone : Many tricks! 'coz I'm the best trickster ever! 
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like : My older brot
91) Theme Song : xD Too embarrassing.
92) The hardest thing about growing up : Leaving friends behind.
93) Your funniest experience : Every day in my class!
94) Your scariest moment : When I'm didn't eat 3 hours in my friend's house.
95) The silliest thing you've said : =______= a What? *with a lazy tone*
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex? : o.o
97) The scariest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s) : Seeing "naked person in front of us". AHAHAhaha ha. ha a ha. ha. ...ha.
98) The worst feeling in the world : Knowing somebody out there hates you with all the trenchance in their veins.
99) The best feeling in the world : Knowing somebody out there loves you with every fibre of their being.
100) : PWNT.

Love them all XD!
Thanks for Deta who's give me this a lot of questions m(_ _)m

100 questions 'bout me, birthday

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