Ooh, shiny music.

Jan 21, 2012 00:45

I am writing this whilst shrouded in a haze of need-to-sleep, which is odd because I've definitely got an adequate number of hours of sleep and therefore probably, as they say in the vernacular, getting Too Old For This Shit.

Anyway, went to watch SSO's gala concert featuring Neeme Järvi and Vadim Repin. My friends were there for Tchaikovksy's Symphony No. 5, which NUSSO will be playing on March 24; I was there more for the Prokofiev concerto, which I adore. Started thinking about the sometimes-held idea that music is important because it allows one to feel emotions that are difficult to express through other media/art forms. I'm personally of the opinion that absolute music (that is, music purely for the sake of music) is no less valid than music written to convey an idea/subject/theme, but I must say that because music is such an abstract art form, it does have that power to mean just about anything you want it to mean.

I used to be a lot better at waxing lyrical about the philosophy of music. Hmm.

Have huge, huge desire to watch Shame, and not just because it has naked!Fassbender. I'm turning into this huge sucker for stuff dealing with the sad, lonely, emptiness of urban life and the culture of greed and instant gratification. Perhaps because I'm scared I'll fall into that trap and live out that strange little existence where I know that there's something wrong and unfulfilling with my life but I choose to ignore it because, hey, everyone's at it. I don't know. I think life should be a bundle of contradictions; people are complicated and there's no point pretending that they aren't.

seemingly philosophical

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