
Aug 31, 2012 05:04

I hauled my lazy fat arse outta bed at 410 this morning.

4 plus 10 minutes snoozing being an ostrich refusing to acknowledge the alarm has gone off.

It's pouring and I'm freezing that same lazy fat arse off.


I'll be warm at my destination.

Bikram is the aim.

But in view of reliance on public transport, I had plan B to go for a swim in the event I miscalculated my timing or the public transport does not meet expectations :p

Why reliance on public transport still?! Catch 22 of bad weather I'd love to be in the comfort of my car but bad weather = bad traffic conditions = at this point of my driving, I do not want to be unduly stressed.

Baby stepz.

Did I mention I drove myself to horse riding on Sunday? The driving is coming along quite nicely :)

And now on the train, I am reminding myself I have the luxury to go do bikram when I wake up at this time. Most people on my train look like they have to be up at this time everyday for work.

Time to get my lazy bones moving :)

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

workoutz, babystepz

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