Hee! :D
I took up horse riding!!!!!!!!!!
Hahahahaha! Yes I was the girl who grew up reading the Enid Blyton Circus series wishing I was Lotta.
No price for guessing some of my fave books involves living on a farm.
The classic "Black Beauty" is an all time FAVOURITE!!!!!
Then the Olympics came along and the equestrian events...they look so graceful!!
Then bimbo me was watching "Once Upon A Time". There was a scene where Charming was galloping on a horse on his way to find Snow. It was a very seh3 scene. And I oohed and ahhhed. Sorry Josh Dallas fans. I was oohing and ahhhing over the overall scene and horsey and general impression of galloping coolness.
And I thought,"I wish I can ride a horse..."
And then I thought,"Why not?!"
A quick google and a call the next day and the class was booked!
It was super super fun fun fun!!!!!
From how to approach a horse, brushing the horse to being shown how to saddle up the horse and put on the reins, walk, trot etc.
My dream is to saddle up a horse one day and take off on a gallop :D
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