Tonight I'm falling and I need your loving hands to pick me up again.

Nov 18, 2009 10:02

i'll lose my mask if you lose yours.

Strange how feelings change so easily. I like this boy. I think you already know.. I believe I've told you before about him. At first I thought it's just a crush. But lately I've realized that there is more to it than I originally thought. But my friends started to tell me that I should forget about him. That's not good enough for me and that he's not the one. But this way I'll get back to that old question of mine: "What is love? What it means to be in love?"
I'm quite strange when I fall in love. Meaning, when I fall for someone I fall for good. If that boy doesn't love me back I'll be needing a full year to recover. And besides seeing him everyday also won't do me any good. I really don't know what to do. It feels strange.

I want to buy "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte. I heard it's a good book and it's worth reading. Plus based on my lately developed mood I think it will fit in perfectly. I've read the summary and I think it will be a good book. Plus reading love stories was always my "hobby".

Recently I realized I don't hate Miley anymore. Not that I hated her as much as I hate spiders or boiled vegetables (lolwut) it's just that I didn't like her songs and her way of being. But lately she's become more mature and released some pretty good songs. So yea.. she's acceptable. Plus not many artists have the privilege of having their song lyrics engraved on my brain. LuLz.

bla bla bla bla, fufufufu, songs, music is love, hate, love, music is my boyfriend, bawwwww, love love love mode, miley cyrus

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