
Jan 23, 2007 19:56

January 2004
Nervous, palms sweaty, and mouths dry. We sat there quietly watching the performance on stage, making the occasional small talk..."That was good"...referring to the jazz singer. Just the week before, when second semester began, we were stangers taking the same class. There we were, on our first date at the Rex. I snuck a couple of glances at him when we wasn't looking, but I'm sure he knew. I knew he looked at me too, I just pretended not to notice.

To break the ice, he asked me...
"Wanna hear a joke?"
"What has two thumbs and likes blow jobs?"
*blank look on my face* I was genuinely thinking about it!
*both his thumbs point to himself*
"This guy!"

I laughed because it was funny. But I stopped and thought, "Should I be offended?" Ahhh well, I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it.

January 18, 2007
Brian told me to dress up for the evening; we were going somewhere special. I was finishing the touches to my hair when he rings the doorbell. As I opened the door, I heard something scrape against the door's surface. I looked down and saw a turquoise bag..."Tiffany & Co." My jaws downs, I looked up at him..."Why?"..."Can I come in?" I stood aside, he walked in, we kissed..."Happy three year!"

When I opened his gift, this cornucopia of awesomeness shone.
I hugged him and gave him a big wet one. I pulled out his gift and gave it to him this. The boys helped me with this gift, because I know absolutely nothing about watches. We called this the "Spiderman Watch" because of the way the numbers are styled.

All while on the way to our surprise, I kept asking him where were going. When we arrived, I looked at him..."It's just like our first date, but more upscale!" Instead of the dilapidated Rex, Brian made reservations at Opal Jazz Lounge. (If you don't know by now, I'm a huge jazz aficionado)

It was such a beautiful evening. The food, service, atmosphere, and music were all excellent. Thanks to Julie Michels and her beautiful performance! She sang one of my favourite songs towards the end of evening..."Papermoon". How perfect =)

To us on our third
And many more ahead.
I love you~ =)
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