11 Days Later...

Jan 14, 2007 03:11

It's been more than a week since I stopped smoking. I'm feeling pretty great about myself. People ask me if the food tastes better, if my breathing has improved. And to be quite honest, I can't really tell =S I think after 9 years of putting my body through such crap, it's still in its recovering phases. I don't use the patch as often, because I either forget or just don't need it at all. I think starting with step 1 (21 mg/day) may be too much. And even with the patch on, the most I've had it on was for 12 hours while at work. I take it right off when I hop in the shower or when working out.

Talking about working out, it's been 2 years since I've put myself through any physical challenge. I haven't been putting weight on, but have been feeling like utter shit. I finally pulled myself together and did a 30 minute cardio workout, followed by 1.5 hours of weight training. Damn, it felt great to be back in gear again.

In other news, I recently took into yet another online community (stop the insanity!!) It's called Facebook, and unlike Friendster and MySpace...where every mofo wants to save you...you actually write about how you met each friend.

Now don't resist...
You know you wanna Facebook me!

Me and Brian's three year anniversary is coming up! He's got a special event planned for us the evening of. Can't wait!!

I had the BEST first experience of Chicken Shawarma tonight!! I wouldn't mind having some more. Yummm...
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