I'm pretty sure most everyone on my flist knows bodlon, often called 'Lifty' or invisiblelift in the Torchwood fandom. He was a prolific and excellent writer in Torchwood during it's heyday and a very cool guy (he's also making a serious go at writing as a profession - so, still an excellent writer). He's also putting out a call for help.
He has a really wonderful opportunity to get his top surgery but, wonderful or not, it still costs money. These things, of course, are not covered by insurance either, so he has to find the money to pay for this out of pocket.
You can see his post
here, with various options to help him out. Something like this is worth digging in our pockets for.
Please comment on Dreamwidth because it isn't run by the Russian Mob!
http://xtricks.dreamwidth.org/75895.html: link to the original post