(no subject)

Sep 13, 2005 17:24

Oh, the joys of switching classes.

I sat in a beginning German class today and I'm thinking I'll switch from my scary-difficult Spanish class to a beginning German class. I was actually motivated to learn during that hour, and it made me recall the German I remember from when I was living in Austria. Plus the teacher seems really nice. And plus there are cute guys in my class. XP The only problem is trying to sort out my decision with the 'rents, and buying/selling the text books that I need/don't need.

It's odd, but I think my memory's dying on me. I'm trying to recall what I did just earlier today, and for the life of me I cannot remember. I still get the days and dates mixed up. I forget names all the time. I forget where I meet people. Often enough it's hard to focus in class.

However, I do remember that I was in the cafeteria this afternoon and sat with this guy named Joe from England. He asked for my phone number and texted me earlier today, and we ended up spending the majority of the night together. As in we went out downtown (so he could buy some beer), and we hung out in his room and then watched a DVD in my room. Omg, I almost forgot how gruesome Battle Royale is. But yeah... I realize it takes time to develop actual friendships and closer relationships with people, but I'm glad it's starting to happen. :]

No classes until 7pm tomorrow... I love university.
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