Out of my head lately...

Oct 22, 2004 21:25

So yeah. Some stupid shit happened and I'm not longer allowed over at Katie's, I figured I should have just kept my mouth shut down at LARA, but I thought I'd be nice and open up and everyone has to take my figure of speech so damn literally and everything along with that, by her neighbor that works there in the office she was told by some other person that I'm considered "the worst student to ever attend the school" uhh yeah how's that? I never talk. I mind my own buisness. And wtf I'm there? It just sucks, cos this lady I don't even know who the hell she is and she knows SOO much about me suddenly, just cos she works there doesn't give her the right to have to know EVERYTHING about me, it's not her place.

On the other hand I've tried, and I cannot find tickets for Kara and Haley anywhere, I'm sorry, but Frank never made it to the Mall with Kyle cos supposively he went home early sick and two days before the show that's not a good thing. I'd go if I were bleeding to death, lol. Anyway, yeah so if Kara can't go straight up I'm gonna be wicked pissed. I want her to go so damn bad! GRR..If not maybe we can all hit the Chicago show?

I wrote a new..I haven't really decied what it is. A song a poem a blah blah blah? Whatever, but here it goes.


I'm torn open
Falling apart from every.... fuck'en seam...
I dare to be forgotten
Not like anyone would miss me
Such a big relief
My suicide

Scream and Shout
Can't you hear me
Push and shove
Can't you feel me?
Kick and scream
Can't you see my pain?
-I cry
-You say
-Shut the fuck up
-I try
-You say
-It's not good enough

They way...
You make...
Me feel
Feel inside

I could bleed for ever
and never feel all right
Just can't ever seem
To see the light
No matter how hard I fight
I'm always down
I'm always angry
I'm rock bottom with the lack of motivation

Scream and Shout
Can't you hear me
Push and shove
Can't you feel me?
Kick and scream
Can't you see my pain?
-I cry
-You say
-Shut the fuck up
-I try
-You say
-It's not good enough
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