Hurricanes make me pee my pants . . .

Sep 01, 2004 15:48

i know i said that the last one wasnt gonna hit.... but i was wrong. so this time im not going to say anything, i'll just wait for it to happen. and right now, that all that anyone can do... just wait for everything to unfold and happen.

my mom is freaking out way more than last time. i came home from school and our garage has two cases of bottled water and about 10 gallons of water. i opened the pantry to get something to eat... FILLED WITH FOOD! i wasnt like that this morning when i went to get my cheerios out.

we were lucky last time with the amount of damage we had; because we didnt have any. my dad is going to videotape the house in order to show proof of us owning everything that we have. and ive got to pack a suitcase with clothes and stuff. it's like we're getting ready for the world to end. im still not sure what we're doing in terms of where we're staying. my parents arent' even sure what we're doing yet. If they want to, we're welcome to stay at my dad's aunt and uncle's house in Atlanta. omg! even if the hurricane doesnt take the same path, i still want to go to their hosue this weekend!! i stayed there for a night last year over labor day with my dad, and they're house is AWESOME!! seriously, i want to live there. i wanna buy that house when i have a family. it has three stories- with a kitchen on the second and first floors, an outdoor t.v., a movie theater room downstairs, a sauna/ workout room. and with all their stuff in it, the house is so pretty. but they're selling that house in atlanta and are moving into a house in florida that's even bigger.

of course ( but in dunno why ) school is cancelled on friday. yay    ? who, knows, it might be cancelled even longer after this weekend....  but then its gonna suck again cuz barnett is probably gonna pile on the work like he did last week. i still havent even finished chapter 6 notes and chapter 7 notes are due friday. but now they cant be due friday because we have that day off now. hmmm. oo well it still gives me more time to finish !

For a change, I haven't been doing much soccer. well last week i was sick on wednesday, but then i went to practice on thrusday and i felt fine, but i woke up on friday and i was sick again. soooo, i didnt go to st. pete this weekend for the games. i was dissappointed. i always hate missing games and even practices. i feel like im letting the team down or something. but i heard we managed to tie St. Pete and beat strictly soccer. GO SATURN! lol I havent' been to practice yet this week and the way things are looking I wont make it thrusday and we probably wont be have a Labor Day tournament at Disney this weekend either.... my life is def. not complete without soccer!

I have to go do some more make-up work from the past 4 days of school that i missed!! i LOVE it. i was nice being at home while everyone else was at school- it would be 11o'clock and i would be like, " i would be in newspaper right now..." and then i would fall back to sleep!
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