hurricane Charley = LOSER

Aug 13, 2004 17:12

holy sheet. all this hurricane charley stuff is  a load of shit. it annoys the hell out of me how people get so scared shitless about some thunderstorms. ok, so it was a level 4 hurricane, but by the time it gets all the way to orlando, specifically OVIEDO, the winds will be way less. the only thing that scares me is the tornadoes. ya, ever since i watched twister, torandoes just really freak me out. i never want to get stuck in one. but i dont think that we'll ever get hurricanes like the ones in the movie down here in Florida. but, you know, just in case we do get high winds and/ or hurricanes, my f'ing paranoid mother cleared out our downstairs bathroom and storage closet underneath the stairs to use as "tornado shelters." lmao. sry i just think thats hilarious.

my dad was really smart today. he went to work... in melbourne. people were suposed to be off the roads by 2, and he called at 3 to say that he was just then leaving work. it takes him an hour to get home. i got a little scared cuz when he called it was really dark outside and it was raining pretty hard too. i thought the hurricane was coming through already. im a loser. but it doesnt help when you have a mother that gets extremely nervous about anything & everything. but my dad finally came home and saw what my mom did to the closet and he started making jokes about it and stuff. He was liike, "quick mikey ( our dog ) get in the closet !! the storms coming !!" it was pretty funny. i love it when my dad makes jokes about my mom when she gets freaked out. it made me feel a lot better about everything.

Either way, I think this storm is a joke. just like Floyd. so i think i'll just chill out tonight ; watch sum movies and stuff and eat the massive amounts of junk food that my mom bought. ... just in case .. !
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