Another Friday Night.. It's 888 yo! (8th August 2008). =P

Aug 08, 2008 23:46

★I watched The Dark Knight again with my senpai, ndy_cn. (゜∇゜)
And Joker's character's still captivated me... I really do admire him.
WHY SO SERIOUS?? *khukhukhu* Ψ(`∀´)Ψ

☆I spent 70% of this day, chatting along and shopping with ndy_cn and Hyomi (a graduate student from Korea). ヽ(・∀・)人(・∀・)ノ
Some pikkus for you... *coughs*because I'm a camwhore.*coughs*

Can you see the coffee-bean shape interior? 8DDDD

(;°ロ°)....OMG!!!! my big-fat cheeks!!!!! ((((゜д゜;))))

It''s Hyomi, ndy_cn and me *coughs*using the red star again.

★I bought a lottttta books. (ノ゜o゜)ノ

☆On the other hand, I'd said that I will stay away from gazette's stuffs for awhile to cure these "pain and disappointment". ┐(゜~゜)┌ But heck, since I've listened to audio ver of Ganjisu ni Akai Bara (RCE live)......and squeeled from Kai's drums in the opening, I think............I forgave them already. *baka fan* ∑(゜△゜;)
Furthermore, since hachiko8 some of my friends gave me special teasers... I just can't hold it anymore. I phoned ruki_candy and we agreed that we're going to watch TEH DVD NEXT MONDAY!!
BUT I'll have my exams on Thursday and Friday. Not forget to mention that I still have classes on Monday&Tuesday plus a "big" quiz on Wednesday.
HECK I DON'T CARE! lalalalal. (・ε・;;;;) I can't wait another weeks to watch the DVD!

★ Neeeee... naochii, I watched Koizora yo.. And as you said, it's a great movie. *wiped away her tears*
I was crying silently while watching the movie...(´;ω;`)
And I've been in love with Hiro's character.. If there's someone like him... I'd really fall for himm... BWUUUUU...(ノД`)

Sooo...Overall, it's 9/10. ъ(`―゜)
Today is a Fun Friday. yay~!! (=゜ω゜)ノ
What about yours? *winks* ( ^^) _旦~~

ガゼット, my life, random, friends, pikku, movie

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