May 15, 2004 17:55
It's been a long day, but it's finally over.
Hubby's been out of town nearly all week, so of course I was lazy and didn't do chores while he was gone. He gets home late tonight, so today I've been making up for lost time. Laundry, grocery store, weeding, and miscellaneous other errands including a trip to the store to buy new sheets for the bed. Ours have lost nearly all elastic and I'm tired of remaking the bed from scratch every evening before I get in it. I got lucky and found them on sale for 35% off! Yay!
I can't get my Halloween cross-stitch project to scan worth a hoot because it's on black fabric. So the next one will be a little Christmas theme on white to allow me to show it off. :)
Tonight I finish cleaning his bathroom (easier to do when his stuff is gone), then take a long tub bath in my garden tub. Followed by delivery pizza for dinner, and a quiet evening of sewing until he gets here. I /so/ look forward to it!