Sep 05, 2004 14:19
I know..It's been a while! I just never have time to update anymore w/ School and then Cheerleading ((Well, i'll tell you the story about that later!))
Sch00l-Well, it's school right? It's hard..I know I'm going to end up failing Geometry. I don't get nothing-I've never got anything in Math though-ha` I Love French-I hate Biology-I Hate Mrs. Hill. But I'm sure I can get through the year..
Cheerleading-Well, As of 2 weeks ago I can't cheer for 4 weeks. So now it's 2. I tore a ligament in my back and I have to take physical therapy for 4 weeks. I was suppost to start 2 weeks ago but I haven't even went yet! I go back to the doctor in 2 weeks so hopefully he will release me. If he don't then there won't be anymore games for me to cheer at
:[ If that happens then I'm just going to quit. I tried out for cheerleading for the FOOTBALL GAMES! Just pray for me ;]
Family-This week has been hellious. My uncle had a heartattack and then the same day they put my mamaw in there, too. My uncle got out yesterday but my Mamaw is still in there-Hopefully everything will work out okay.
Friends-Well, I never get to see Anna anymore outside of school which totally sucks. The whole time my Mamaw's been in the hospital Crystal's been there with me. I can't tell you how happy I am for her.. She'll do anything for you. I've been with her everyday for the past month. I wouldn't know what to do without her. I love her and Anna so much ;]
Well, I don't really have anything else to say. So, I'm gonna go lay down before church. Leave some comments and I love yah lots