Aug 14, 2004 20:01
Well, this Summer has been great! When I look back on it, I'm so thankful for my friends who have made it an awesome time. Now we're entering High School where the best memories of our lives will be made...
ahh-I'm sord of excited! ha`
Well, this past week I've spent getting ready for school. I'm sord of excited but I dread all that immature shit that people start. I'm seriously getting tired of Elementary Sch00l fights-We're in High Sch00l now..ahh-I guess some people will always stay the same =/
I really don't have anything to talk about..ha` So, this entry was completely pointless! But I'll update after the first day of school.. Holler atcha gurl ;]
AnNa*-Girl, you've made my Summer the best. I don't know what I'd do without you. We've been through hell and back together but I def. wouldn't have picked another person to go through it with. =) You've always had the best advice for me and I know I may not be the best help in the world but I try.. I Love you girl and I don't know what I'm gonna do when you graduate =(
Sarah*It's been great getting to know you this Summer. God really DID send us to each other since we feel the same way about everything! I can tell you things I can't and won't tell anyone else. I love you girl and I'm always here for yah ;]
CrYsTaL* Well, we've just got close these past few weeks..But I've loved it! You're one crazy girl and I love you to death~ This School years going to be great because me, you, and Anna will def. have us some fun ;] Love you`
DiAnA*Well, we said we'd be together all summer and we wasn't. So, next Summer we're not going to be together at all! haha`We've had us some crazy times. Me and you have went some of the craziest times ever. We always find a way to make boring stuff fun..Even if we end up doing something we regret ;] hahah`I'm going to stop on that note.. Love you`
Well, I guess that's about it!
Love you`