(no subject)

Aug 10, 2006 11:52

This is to everyone whom i have loved,hated,missed,seen,and been indefferent to.

If i hurt you i am truly sorry.Especially you celeste.I never meant to be mean or exclude you.Nothing will ever be quite the same again.But i want to start over with you.Im not saying it 'll be overnight but i want to be friends with you again.This is the summer i'll never forget.I have truly lived,loved,and laughed this summer.So many new people have come into my life this summer. And so many old people have returned.This is to all of yall.I love you.

Matt- You are amazing.I will never 4get this summer.mhm.Im glad i met you at camp. But we truly miss you.The fantastic five is not the same without you.I love you.

Jessi,Kels,Bruce- I love you three so incredibly much.I would never have gotten through this summer without yall.You are truly my inspiration.I am always here for yall.Even when i dont act like it.And even if i dont want to talk to yall about something at the moment just know i always love yall.Always.It takes me a while to be able to sort things out in my head.And i just like to be composed enough to say it.I love yall.

Mike- You amaze me.Im not gonna say how i feel about you on here.Because you already know.So thats all that matters.Love ya baby.

Kim-Never in my life did i think i would meet someone as amazing as you last year.I can't beleive how much alike we are.Everyone keeps pointing out little things that we do alike!lol.Im so happy that your my twin!mhm!You inspire me to greatness wether it be nusically,spiritually,or as a person.I love you so much.Im going to miss you a lot!!*

Christie- You amaze me every day.You proved me wrong.I thought everyone judged everyone.And you dont. I love you for that.Im so glad that we are talking again.I've missed you.Remeber were peacocks!heh! I love you.

Celeste- Never in my life did i ever see us not being friends.Ever.We've both changed a lot since seventh grade.I really dont know when we started growing apare but we did. I never thought we would have gotten into this big of a fight.I really dont know how it happened.I was never mad.Never.I was just pissed at the situation.Not any one person.I dont know why you thought you were the one i was most mad at.You weren't.And all i can say is Im truly sorry.Take it however you may.

Savanna- Man girl your amazing.You dont judge me.And i love that your always there for me. Thanks.Love ya girl. L.U.C.K.

Josh- You are one of my best guy friends.After all we went throught.Were still friends.You have calmes me down when other people can't.You get me.Thanks! Love ya babe.

All you other band nerds-hehe you always make me laugh.Im never in a bad mood around yall.Cuz i never have a reason to be.<3

I dont know why i am saying all of this right now.Its just what was in my head last night at like 1 in the morning.And it just needed to be said.

God- Last but deffinately best.I dont see how even after how crappy i've been to you lately.You still love me more than anything.Why?!Im not worth it.I dont see you im worth your love.I haven't dont anything to deserve your love.Yet you still love me more than i can fathom.You are always there watching over me even when i dont believe it or doubt it.Im not worth it yet you always seem to be there for me.I cant fathom why you even try with me sometimes.Especially when im in one of my moods. God you amaze me.I thank you with my life.I love you 4ever with all my heart.

So guys.This is me.This is who i am.^^No one can tell me who i am.Becuase im not gonna listen.I know who i am and who i want to be.I know what my life is for.I most definately live for God,My family,and my friends.Most definately.This summer has been amazing.But its had a couple bad times to.But i cant believe its already over.I've had a lot of firsts this summer.And i would not take any of them back.Ever.I dont regret anything from this summer.Im excited to see how this year is going to go.I can tell this is year is going to be one wild ride.But now im ready..I know i want to make this year count.I want to do something with a purpose.To grow as a person,a christian,and a friend.Im excited.I needed to say all this because its been bottled up inside for basically half the summer.And i dont know. It just needed to come out.Im glad that i have all of yall to go through this with.I wouldn't change my life for anyhting.I love you all for putting up with me.Even when im acting like a freak.

Yours always and forever.

I love you.

Britty Kay!!*

Proverbs 3:5-6!*

Love Can change everything.
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