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Jun 28, 2006 22:51

Life. is.Frustrating.
Yet. Im. Havin a Lot of trouble.
Iknow i know not every day is gonna be woo
jesus.yet i guess i was just hoping it would be.
I mean i know not everything is going to fall into place.
I guess im just havin a hard time adjusting back into real life.
Its just really strange.
I mean fallscreek the atmoshpere is the most amazing thing.
when you get back to earth you realize how cruel and evil this world can be.Yet i know everything has a reason.
I guess the real worry is that.
I don't wanna fall away from god ever again.
It scares me to think that in 2 yrs ill be out on my own
It scares me to think that next year im loosing the best friends i've ever had to college.
It scares me that the year after next im going to be a senior.
Life scares me.
It seriously scares me that im going to be on my own without my family.
My amazing mom.
My dad that i get along with most of the time.
my twin.. gosh.
It scares me that im not going to have all the amazing seniors from last year..escpecially kim.im so scared for this year..

+God!!!*-So I never would get thru life without out him now.I mean i've always lived the good christian life.although i wasn't one.Ive grown up in the christian household.Ive tried to accept him.but the past 2 years i've been kinda like oh im saved ...and pushing it away.I mean i was "supposedly saved" I got baptized yet i didn't do it for the right reason for God.What pushed me over the edge was when Scott Dawson at fallscreek said.. turn to your neighbor and say Your living for God.I couldn't do that.I wasn't living my life for God..at all.I was living for me.I was living for what other people wanted my to be. And so wednesday night.I didnt have enough courage to walk down there.So i went to my family mom!and spilled my heart out to her.And it just happened.Im absolutely one hundred percent im God's child.I mean.Honestly.Its been a night and day expierience.Of course im still trying to figure everything else in my self out and thats gonna take some time.But thank goodness i have the friends that help me with that.Yet i just want to grow and get closer to God.I love my life right now.Im just so scared and excited and anxious.This year and next year are seriously going to be one of the biggest struggles for me.I dont know how im going to get by through all of this.But i know i'll have God.And thats all i need to know.

+Jessi!!*..i honestly love you to death.i dont know what i would do without you honestly.. you keep my head up even when i want to start yelling and screaming.you calm me down. you are always there for me.you help me realize that things can happen even if i dont think itll happen. you make me aware of things that i never would have noticed.you are my favorite person to talk to about God because you relate a lot!and i love you w all my heart!!

+Bruce 'n' Matt!!* -yall 2 are amazing.yall are some of the most amazing on fire for god guys i have ever met.i know your not perfect and i know that you both have had difficult and hard lives.yet you still are now living strong for God.You 2 amaze me.

+Kels,Celeste,Chris,Kris.!!*- God put all of you in my life for a reason.and honestly even if i haven't found out why then i will.But you all have made me grow as a person.you have made me who i am today.you have been there whenver i've needed it!Kris i just met u yet i felt like ive known u for years!you are truly amazing!And i loved how god worked through you at camp!

++ Everyone else!!*- You are my life.Im truly amazed by all of you.You help me every day even without knowing it!! im pretty much in love with yall!!!!

Im so in love with life with god.It amazes me.what God can do.
And yes sometime in the near future i will be getting baptized..so yall should come.i'll tell yall when..Uhm. life is so odd.My friends brother died.My neighbors wife died.I've never seen him cry.My step g-pa has been given till the end of july if not less to live.Hes the last one i have left.The other two died before i was born..Uhm its so hard.But i haven't felt any brunt of it because i have God.
Im seriously just about to cry.I love life and god.But i have so many doubts.yet i know im here.im in the prime of higshchool.I've met some of the most amazing people in this world this week.I've felt like i've known them forever.I can't tell you how much yall mean to me.Not as much as God of course but u and my parents are the next best thing!Im truley amazed by each and every one of you all everyday.
I love you.And always will
In Christ,
God Bless!!*
Britty Kay!

Proverbs 3:5-6!!*
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