Feb 22, 2007 14:14
For Lent I decided to give up alcohol. It's day two and I don't know what I was thinking. .. It's not like I can afford to buy myself herbal goodness in place of it! It will be a challenge but hopefully I'll be supported. I am allowed to have 1 glass of wine with dinner or something. I should have given up being stressed out. I think that would have helped with not drinking as much.
I can't afford the alcohol I like half that time so it made sense to just not drink at all and not have to drink schlitz. Maybe some of you don't even know what that beer is, be thankful if you don't. bleh.
I'm still crossing my fingers about Bonnaroo. If that doesn't work out I'm seriously thinking about drinking again--haha.
For Lent I also took up praying to rosary and meditating. what an interesting combination.
Everyone's doing it.