harukamaru I'm so incredibly sorry that I haven't replied to your comments and everything and I think that I won't do to that now actually. Or any of these days. I'm soooo sorry. I was thinking, EVERY WEEKEND, like: "Oh! I should respond!" But when I'm on the computer, I get so lazy and don't do it anymore. Sorry. Sorry. SORRYYYYY. T^T
Hope you forgive me. *puppy eyes*
Now that I have my apologies done, let's talk about the past few days, 'kay? ^^
I have a holiday for more than a week now and monday is the last day of it! Aah, too bad. T^T I still don't like this new school I'm on. I liked my old school better.
Let me explain it; My school has a .. *grabs her dictionary* okay.. Never heard of that word, but okay. Like a said; My previous school has a merger with my current school. The, how should I put this, higher educationed went to my current school and the lower educationed went to my previous school.
To make it more clear:
Previous school: Lower educationed
Current school: Higher educationed
I'm one of the higher educationed. And now, I'm on this school! I still don't like it. Well, it's okay now but it doesn't feel right. It doesn't feel like a 'second home', you know what I mean? I miss my previous school and I'm not the only one actually. But hey, we gotta move on. And if I past this year I only have 2 more years left (if I passed those two too!) and I'm out of there! And then comes university, at least I hope so. ^^
But back to my vacation! I haven't done anything! I wanted to watch Death Note because a friend recommended it to me and still keeps asking if I saw it yet. And another friend is like addicted to the manga. XD I also heard it's just cool, so.. I really have to start watching!
30th April was "Koninginnedag". Well, if you're not Dutch, I don't think you can really pronounce it right but it means: Queens Day. We celebrate the birthday of the previous queen then. It's actually a bit fun too! We got some places where people try to sell there junk.. eh.. stuff! Well, I've got some new socks and a new wallet.. x'D Oh and a mood ring! But it doesn't work properly because it says I'm always in the stress. Me? Stress? Maybe when I'm busy with school, but not in the holiday! XD (Even though I had FOUR DREAMS ABOUT SCHOOL already..) And when I was home I watched the current queen visiting some places. It was nice to watch what all those children made for her. Really sweet. ^^
And then you have 5th May a.k.a. yesterday. "Freedoms Day" That was the day that our land had become free in the WW II. There was a festival in my town and I went there with a couple of friends. All sort of bands and stuff were there and we had a really great time! Even though my feet hurt when I was home again. But it was worth it, right? ^^
I'm looking through some pictures I shot last summer in Indonesia with my family. And so I see my cousin's pictures. He somewhat reminds me of Shige. I don't know how, but he seriously does!
Wait! I'm going to make a collage of a couple of pictures. ^^ So.. randomness is coming your way! :D
Okay, okay, I'm not making a collage, because now that I'm busy I notice that I want to write too much at every picture. So I'm going to do them one by one. Okay, that was not a good sentence, but I tried! :D *goes further with writing stuff on the pictures*
I'm sorry you can't read everything but before I uploaded it here on LJ you could read it perfectly fine!
"HAAAA! We got youuu! - He didn't want to go on the photo. XD"
Meet my sweet cousin, Sandy. Or Bangbang. (Don't read it on the English way! But like the a in 'ah!') Call him whatever you like. I like to call him both. Sometimes Sandy, other times Bangbang. Anyways, this is the cousin who has something from Shige. You can't say it cleary here.. I'm sorry. XD I won't be posting bigger pictures now, maybe some other time. ^^
"Ufoooooo~! - *pretends to be Mr. HAADO GHEI!*
This was at the airport in Dubai. Those lights really look like an UFO. :D It's a really cool airport actually! Lots of shops too!
I sended this picture to a friend of mine, because I just had to show it to her. And a couple of minutes later she said it reminded her of Koyama. (No, no, not the HAADO GHEI part..) but because of the 'UFO'-thingy. Everyone saw the Never Ending Wonderful Story DVD, right? Well. You know the KoyaShige part, just before they made 'parodies' on Daite Senorita and Miso Soup? Yes? Do you have it in mind? YAAAY! Where Kei-chan is playing with a glass thingy right above Shige's head! Yes, that thing! =d
"This made me lol SO HARD! - Too bad I didn't buy it XD"
It was soooo funny. Thank god there weren't many people in the bookstore. And I loved the bookstore by the way. A whole corner (like.. 1/3 of the whole store) was full of manga! SO MANY! I didn't know what to chose. And JOHNNY'S ENTERTAINMENT STUFF! I bought Arashi's book! (I seriously don't know the name now..) I think it was Yellow Tears. Yeah, that was it! And a photobook of KAT-TUN, but I wasn't really into KAT-TUN back then.. and a photobook of Gackt! But that was too expensive. I also saw a calendar of Tackey & Tsubasa. But I didn't really know Tsubasa.
Next time I'm going to Indonesia, I'm going to that bookstore again and I will buy all those JE things. XD
"My uncle is eating MY BIRTHDAY CAKE! And a big piece too! O.o - But it was his birthday too! So... it doesn't matter ^^."
But hey, it was also his birthday on 11th July. Oh yeah, he also has the same birthday as Shige. Just like me! XD Woohoo! And he's funny too! He's a real cool uncle. <3
"Oh! Sandy! You're wearing your little bro's t-shirt! - And the way you sit is uhh..."
Well. Here's Sandy again! I just had to pick this picture. The way he sits is kind of adorable. XD And he's just a few months younger than me! But, then again, it's a real sweetheart. ^^ Sometimes a bit camera shy. He didn't noticed I was taking this picture until he saw the light of my camera going off. XD
"My sweet little cousin. He's so adorable! <3 - And I like my hair here! XD"
This one is one of my fav cousins. Since he was a baby he was always so cheerful even though he hasn't 10 full fingers. He learns how to pick things up without letting them fall now. And he has made a lot of progress! He always says goodnight to me and when he notices that I'm waking up, he comes to say hi or giving me a kiss on the cheek. He's so adorable.
"MY BIRTHDAY CAKE! - Too bad I didn't eat so much of it D:"
This one of my surprise gifts. The text on the cake is Indonesian for "Happy Birthday". The last word didn't fit actually. It has to say: tahun instead of thn. XD Anyways, it was a really YUMMY cake!
"This is my moter where I learned to drive with! <3 - It's an ARASHI suzuki <3"
Well.. No need to say more. I was so happy to see "ARASHI" on that thing. I showed pictures of Arashi immediately. XD My family had to laugh. (Yes, I had pictures with me. Not so much actually, but just a couple of pictures in something that looks like a little note book. ^^)
Okay, more pictures or better pictures will come in the future. ^^
And Nyanta (Valerie) still have to make that box! What box? A secret box! YAAAAY! I will tell more about it when it's finished. If it will ever finish. XD Okay, I don't know why this entry has took me so long, but I don't think I can say anything more. Or I just forgot it. Sorry. XD