
Apr 11, 2008 14:26

Damn. Last time I posted something was a month ago. But I'm
1. too lazy
2. too lazy to post at BOTH my blogs. (Dutch and English. Dutch has so many more viewers than this thingy. x'D And people really comment on my Dutch one! XD)
3. nothing really interested happened.
4. I'm just too friggin' lazy.

Anyways, my dad became 61 last Monday. I've got an old father. Maybe should I call him GRAMPS.
Damn. He's 61 and I'm about 3 months EXACTLY from now 16! Wow. 61 en 16. Cool.

My test week has ended. I've got FIVE of them this year. This was the fourth one. I'm not so happy how I did this time. I'm only sure of three GOOD grades, while the rest of the test were.. BLEGH. Oh my gawd, my english is so good. (Sarcasm)

What can you say? My weekend has started and my whole week was filled with learning and thinking and now I want some rest! I didn't get too much sleep... And I seriously NEED sleep. 6 Hours are NOT enough for me. XD

Oh, oh! My parents are gone! They're on a vacation to Turkey. They will be back at Monday, but till then.. WOOHOO! My brother has to learn for his midterms (or just terms? I don't know man.) and I don't have to do that much.. YAAAAY!

Speaking of my brother. He lost my webcam. My webcam had a RECORDER in it. And I want to record something, but noooo. He lost the darn thing! .. When did it happened? Erm.. I don't know.. Like LAST YEAR? I want that thing back! T^T
Maybe I'm going to buy a new one tomorrow or something. I'll see. (Because I'm too lazyyyy.)

Oh oh oh! And two of my friends were turning 15 and 16 last Wednesday! ON YAMAPI'S BIRTHDAY. <3 Another classmate had also her birthday then, but I don't like her.

I should update this thing more often. When I have time I will try to post something. Okay? ^^

Byebye koneko-chaaan! x_x

test week, back again, birthday, update, school, lazy

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