So, I spend like 3/4 weeks all alone. Without my parents that is. They went on a holiday in frickin' Indonesia, where my family lives. And even though I got two brothers... they're not here the entire time. My oldest brother is 29 and lives with his girlfriend in his own house. My brother studies in another city, so he's here only in the weekends.
SO THAT MEANS. I was all alone at school days?
Yeah. ^o^
It has its positive side at some points, but sometimes the negative side came.
I don't know if I ever told you guys this, I don't think so, but sometimes I'm really afraid when I'm left alone at home even though I mainly grew up with the fact being all alone at home at night. (My parents work hard, so even when I was like 7 I was home alone. Well, okay, I was with my brother, but the first time that I really was alone... I was still pretty young. No, I only got a baby sitter when I really was a baby, I think. I don't remember. Teehee~)
Anyways... It happened a year or something ago and I was home alone for the umpteenth time. It was late and I thought I had everything closed. I went to bed and I was pretty tired so I slept in a matter of minutes and it would be hard to wake me up. Suddenly I wake up because of the door bell (my door was open and that bell is LOUD). I stood up and opened it, because I knew my parents would be standing there. (Family rings three times. XD) I looked at the living room and...
everything was frickin' open. O_O The closet, the kitchen door, everything. Some random things were lying on the table.
"Did you do this?" my father said.
"No. I'm certain I didn't touch any of those things. I didn't even know that those things were lying there."
Right. There were burglars. We asumed they were just a few minutes in, because there wasn't really something gone and that they ran away through the backyard and the kitchen door (they came and went through that, we're certain about that - even though we have our backyard surrounded by three other yards.. but two of those 3 are pretty easy to acces...) when they heard my parents coming home again. And because I'm such a heavy sleeper I realised nothing.
I had a time after that that I didn't dare to be left alone again. My brother had to be here, until I felt a bit safe again and he could go out with friends. But even though I could be left alone again after some time, there were still some traces left of my fear.
Oh, will talk about it later! Mom is calling me for dinner. ^^
Back! Okay, well, the traces that are left.. Everytime when I'm alone at home or when I'm upstairs and the rest of the family is sleeping and I want to go downstairs I got an exact route. (Most of the times when I go downstairs at those times it's because I want to go to the kitchen XD)
First of all I walk out of my room and turn on the lights in the little hall in front of my room. I walk really slowly off the stairs and quickly turn on the lights in the hall when I'm downstairs. The light switch is next to the door that goes to the living room. When I open that living room door, I turn on the lights there too, because those switches are also next to the door. I quickly walk to the gap (there's no door there) that leads me to the kitchen. It's pitch dark there, but the light switch is next to the kitchen door (that leads you to the backyard) ... It's only like.. 2,5 meters away, but I still hurry to that light switch to turn on the lights. When all the lights are on and before I can do the thing that I wanted I look under the kitchen table. When I see nothing, I can do my things peacefully.
When I have to go back to my room.. It's the exact route (without looking under the table), but backwards.
I didn't have that kind of 'neurosis' thingy after a long time, but when my parents went on vacation, it came back slowly. But I quickly got rid of it too, except sometimes I still do it, just because my fear comes up.
Ugh. Well, that was the worst negative point of ... my 3/4-weeks-without-parents-so-i'm-all-alone-at-home-drama. Other points were.. cooking (i'm a terrible cook, seriously..), washing, (one of my pants had some white thingies on it.. they turned a bit purple? but it looks cool with the blue, so i'm okay with it ;D) ironing (didn't do that much), etc. etc. You know it. :)
Positive points? I guess you can figure that out all by yourself. ;)
And oh! I've got a really cute picture of the dogs that my mother buyed. She bought them 'accidentally'. Wtf. XD My uncle in Indonesia takes all the responsibility to care for them. They're really cute.
The two litte doggies already got a name, but one was changed because of his habits.
The left one is named Bruno. Well, he kept that name. :)
The right one is called Sleepy, because it sleeps so much! He was first called Cheeko (or something like that), but because of his sleeping habit my uncle called him Sleepy. AND HE LOOKS SO MUCH LIKE A PANDA.
My father said: You've got two doggies waiting for you there.
Awwww. I love doggies.
Yeah, I photoshopped it a bit, but I like the outcome of it. ^^
Here are some better pictures. (The best 'picture' my mother took was a little movie. She isn't that good with MY camera. XD You could really see the two dogs clearly, but whatever. I'll take a picture of them when I go this summer. ^^)
Can you click on them? ö
Well, as you can see.. Sleepy looks like a panda, because of his eyes and.. ears. ;D
And oh, that's my uncle Cecep who's gonna take care of them. He's funny. ^^
And aawwww, isn't Bruno a bit chubby? So sweet.
Oh well, this was Anastacia for a live report! (Ahem) Good day or good night!
*does peace sign*
*runs off to make her french homework*